pinkytea 蘋果因 thinks
8 years ago
在店裡擺放一台留聲機 : )
latest #37
Joey: 那你就快去開啊~! 有夢想就要趁早做啊~!
Pinky: 你想要辭我很久了是不是~~~XDDD
Joey: 什麼我想要辭妳........妳就.......(不記得他說什麼了, 老闆好可愛..)
Oh no如果真的自己開店我就沒有可以叫老闆的人了..!!
8 years ago
Joey 好熱血~~~以後開店他可以當 honorary boss XDDD
v_vlll: good idea! 我還可以直銷他女朋友的護膚品哈哈
8 years ago
pinky 想要開保養品店? =]
kwyc: 服裝店..? 兼賣一些女生的東西..? 小小間
8 years ago
ahhh can totally imagine pinky doing this~~~ where do u want to open this store? =]
kwyc: 大家都說可以先從網店開始,等我年底辭職後再好好研究... 感覺如果代理一些已經成功的品牌會比較有賣點... Thanks Karen dear (cozy)
8 years ago
哇喔喔喔!!! 那我可以在店裡開個銀行帳戶嗎~感覺會在那裡淪陷所以乾脆把錢存在那裡好了XDD
8 years ago
v_vlll: 更想開店試試看耶...如果狂賠或狂賺再去學習..? 妳有吃蜂蜜噢 >\\\<
8 years ago
pinkytea: oh that sounds very pinky! 感覺比珠寶鑑定更適合妳!
8 years ago
哦哦加油!! 狂賠或狂賺哈哈XD 好瀟灑~ 這種事情也的確是要趁年輕時做啊!
8 years ago
好期待~~~ can help out with the tech portion too if you are doing online stuff XD
cuddlie: 啊居然能得到Erica支持好感動...
v_vlll: 跪求... Orz 名字我大概兩三年前就想好了, 期待joy阿姨下單的那一天 XD
8 years ago
what will it be called? =D
kwyc: Ive been thinking "Second Date". Inspired by our customer "Second Cup". : )
nana123 says
8 years ago
that's a pretty name! 希望裡面放個漂亮的小桌子可以讓我常來喝茶打屁 <3
nana123: 我還想可以順便在店裡擺個沙發提供美甲服務,因為這邊美甲實在又貴又不fancy. 一轉念吓...這不就真變成白日夢女了嗎 XDDD 妳可以坐在店裡看書 <3
8 years ago
so cute!! 好期待喔~~~
8 years ago
whmiao: 需要常有Sheena這種職業品味好的女生多光顧才活得下去..
8 years ago
Ooooo love the name!!!
nana123 says
8 years ago
那要加個小書櫃! 還有美甲! 跟下午茶! ...怎麼好像進入一個multipurpose hangout space的趨勢 XDD
8 years ago
awww that's nice!! and you can also host 2nd chance program, so everyone wardrobe can get a 2nd chance~
8 years ago
kwyc: oh haha that's a great idea!!!
8 years ago
Love the second chance idea too +1!
8 years ago
v_vlll: 小N 妳的牛仔外套轉手到我這兒了呢 應該要拿來穿看看 ^^
8 years ago
I have so many clothes that would benefit from the 2nd chance program!
8 years ago
cuddlie: 哇哇真的嗎!! 好感動哦~~ 希望妳不會嫌棄 such a great 2nd chance for the jacket!
nana123: 放一把大提琴, 妳來演奏~~陪有氣質的衣服~~
kwyc: Karen很多衣服都很有型
whmiao: 呵呵Sheena的衣服辣妹才能穿噢 >\\\<
cuddlie: 啊好想看~~!!
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