i'm just gonna post whatever. no NSFW in this post but there's gonna be some ship stuff due to rp
i can't play overwatch but i'm definitely in overwatch hell. i've done a lot of studies of zenyatta and genji because i love them
i needed this pose for a meme and also it was a good opportunity for practicing his hand
elves are fun but elves with beards are really fun
this photo was terrible but the lighting in the room was terrible too
i started playing D&D on the weekends with my coworkers from my new job. it's great. i play thmillyye, the half-orc barbarian

i have my courier, Mimben, and my lone wanderer, Orianna (she's back!)
i have so, so many drawings of orianna now tbh and i couldn't be happier
ridiculous AUs are my bread and butter
this last one's not a doodle, it's my instructor picture at work
all the teachers have to do something to hang on the wall to show that they're qualified when they talk about doing certain art things
and also to show that they're real and they teach and all that
this is to show i can do all the way up to pastels (which is like, the base tier of our program)
and this was done based on a photo reference, which would be considered the most advanced stage of pastels before we get into the universals of tone
anyways that's all i have to post
Your doodles are always a joy to behold
the sloth took so much time, just because of repeated interruptions
i couldn't sit down during the adult-class time slot because i work my other job during it
so i kept having to work around my schedule teaching
Though for writing or sewing rather'n drawing
it's a common thing among crafts
I still have a 2/3 complete Asha Greyjoy cosplay that I've been working on for three years /o\
Just need to make the breastplate and finish studding her jerkin
how are you going to make the breastplate?
Packing-tape papier mache
Most UPS or FedEx stores sell the kind of brown paper packing tape that's reinforced with fiberglass thread and the adhesive is activated with water
It makes EXCELLENG papier mache
Strong, easy to cut to the size strips you need
Far less messy than newsprint/eggwash
i've never seen it reinforced with fiberglass before!
or at least, haven't been able to tell
i used it once in highschool and i agree
Some good brands have fiberglass threads running through them lengthwise, yes
I made a jury-rig dressform out of the stuff in college and have made armor bits with it before

I vastly underestimated the number of studs I would need when I ordered my first batch @_@
and christ it's tedious work
do you have a better estimate now?
I actually spaced them out a teensy bit more than on the official costume because again, it's INCREDIBLY TEDIOUS work
how many more do you think you'll need?
I finished roughly half of the garment, once I have enough spare dollars I'm gonna order another 200
But the overcoat is done along with the undergarments
And that breastplate should be super easy with the packing-tape technique and resin coating
EC3 and Halloween are probably gonna be my main goals for use of this costume because it's several fairly heavy layers though
it's going to look AWESOME
I'm pretty excited about it!
i still love my cape though i have no excuses to wear it these days
Awww that makes me happy. I'm still pretty proud of it too <3
I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to pull it off as well as it came out
Figuring out how to make those nightmare circuits out of rigidly straight 2" wide reflective tape was a challenge @_@
I ended up having to approach them as a big weird tangram puzzle
they are quite the puzzle
you came up with a good solution though