i refuse to have this stop me from sharing my work tho
in the back of my head i was like, this feels a little too big
update: now have real pixel emote for topics
as long as the topic is [fallout]
forgot it was case sensitive
How did I never know you played Fallout
because i never played fallout until i got a ps3 which was this year
i did a mass trade in of videya games
kind of wound up with a $120 credit at one point
so i got a PS3 and a few games
just started playing New Vegas, but i started 3 and found the tone a little to depressing for my tastes
skyrim is exactly my kind of game
definitely worth the 5 year wait to actually get my hands on it
now do you play fallout? because i do like hearing what people think of bethesda games in general
I haven't played 4 yet but yes I play Fallout
Skyrim I STILL haven't gotten to try
...but I don't feel so bad about being nine million years late to the party now
i have been nine million years late to the party my entire life
you know i don't know your computer set up
but skyrim + add ons is like... $26 plus tax during the Steam Summer Sale
Right now it's actually a convertible Win10 laptoplet (tabletop?)
Most vidjagaemz I play I play on my XB360
i might look n see if they've got Skyrim GOTY edition for 360
next time i'm in Game Over
whatever it's called with the DLC
i'll put it in an envelope and mail it to you or something
sajhkf you don't gotta do that yo
i don't gotta but i live this life
also i found the hilarious exchange i had at game over when i netted that massive amount of store credit
ooo awesome icon, thumbs up
about the lgendary edition. I was told for steam that If I had the base game and all expansions it would automatically give those people the ledgendary version.
Havn't seen a change though, or a ledgendary version either
oh, ok, it's called special edition on the pc for some reason. and it doesn't come out till october ok.
I was half way through hardcore mode fallout 4 when my ssd main drive kacked it and I lost ALL my saves ;__;
I also recomend Fallout New Vegas... but get the expansions because the story isn't complete without them. Its far more upbeat than Fallout 3. But Fallout 3
I still say give it a play through because DAMN there are some places you find and those mini story arcs are amazing and will be remembered
it had a lot more diversity with locations
new vegas was a better game in flat out gameplay though, and I still don't think fallout 4 trumps it in that regard