ew no actualy don't like kidney....
can't stand 'hearting' songs, I only 'hearts' my friends! i BUMP! tunes!
yeah I know... heart sounds rubbish
my heart but doesn't bump with it.
that just sounded...weird. Needs coffee.
hey that could be a great line for in a song... must write it down "my heart doesn't bump with it"
can you think of the line to go previous to it?
i don't like your rhythm coz my heart doesn't bump with it?
now it needs another line after that is the same length and ends with "it"
thought you were having a go at my tunes for a minute then...(!)
thats a bit trickier, thinks...
it can end with "with it" again, that would be ok
this is going very cheezy!!
how about something along the lines of 'I just need to jump,while the deejay goes mad with it'?
its starting to make me think it could be like a ting tings track
the sound in my head is a very cheezy europop thing!
can you write me the backing track and sing it too?
thats almost exactly where that line is leading me!!
doesn't really like thatta one!
but actually does like the ting tings..
yeah... just need a chorus bit... but not "Don't Upset The Rhythm"
soo cheezy
she should be careful about writing weird responses to plurks in future!
hey no you might come up with a hit!
now has this line stuck in her head (in Elton John's voice):
sings "don't go bumpin' my heart"
hey that's so good it must have already been used???