[Flat] its starting to look less like a jumble sale
latest #10
Its weird getting used to being on my own. Like in the mornings when meli goes out
I actually get sort of anxious on my own idk if iv ever mentioned it but just imagine when you leave a dog on its own its pretty similar
I feel this I need to have something on with talking so I don't feel lonely
I tend to get more done and lay in bed less? At home i would be in bed till 10:30 or even 11 sometimes buv here the latest ive slept in is 9.30
Alrhough that could be the heat too.
Radio etc helps but im still just like "?????? People??" It'll just be a case of getting used to it cause tbh when mum and dad worked i was on my own a lot
Hmmm i dont think so cause sometimes at st benets youd leave the curtains open or i would and if still snooze
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