So far so good, just a busy week at work

Hey you! Nice to hear from you! It's been rough around here but I'm really happy to see you around. Hope you're doing well! <3
Summer vacation started and I'm hanging in there. hahaha
A/C is broken so I'm sweltering in this southern super humid Japanese summer
Hey, buddy! Pokémon GO essentially owns my entire life right now.
OMG. I love you for naming your vaporeon Chiyo. <3 <3 <3 haha, to be honest, i did the same. XD
hope everyone is still doing well.
i keep thinking how much i miss hanging with you all here or in RPs, but i worry i won't be able to keep up with RPing if i go back in.
you can still hang out with us here on plurk!
whatcha been up to? aything new?
gosh um, not really, but all is well!
Good to hear you're well~ which old fandoms are you up to?
Ensemble Stars, it's a mobile game, fake rhythm game
it's all in Japanese so I can't read it but translations are everywhere
also this is a new one, Mystic Messenger, it's an ios otome game as well
ohhhhhhhh. unfortunately, i don't have an iphone or anything to play mystic messenger. XD I haven't played an otome game in forever
i think android works too
and of course always pokemon~
ohhh, i shall check that out then. And amg. lol, since i live in countryside Japan, there's hardly any good pokemon around me and only a few pokestops and gyms XD
same, i live in suburb, there's nothing out here