deinera says
7 years ago
So I bought a folding bike. It's cute
latest #22
deinera says
7 years ago
Also very pink.
deinera says
7 years ago
So it goes bike unfolded (but not adjusted for my height at all), cell phone mount, and bike folded (with water bottle for size). I am beyond excited to play Pokemon G... I mean ride my new bike.
I totally saw one of these a couple of weeks ago when I was waiting for my Uber. The guy rode up + then got off + folded it right in front of me. I thought it was pretty cool! I love the pink.
deinera says
7 years ago
I think it's super neat! :-) I can't wait to ride it! I hope it's comfortable
Get out there!!!
deinera says
7 years ago
Oh too hot right now! It was still 104 outside when it arrived
7 years ago
aww dude, super cool!
pastilla loves
7 years ago
it. How is it compared to a regular bike? A little trickier to balance?
7 years ago
cool pink. But no thanks, smaller wheels make it harder to go up/down bumps and curbstones.
deinera says
7 years ago
I wrote about it here. This is a pretty long post, but if you're curious.
TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
deinera says
7 years ago
sjonsvenson You're right, but this isn't meant to replace my car or other means of transportation. It's 100% for catching pokemon on occasion. I don't have space for a full-size bike and live upstairs.
deinera says
7 years ago
If you're curious why I picked this instead, you're welcome to read the twitlonger I linked. It explains why it works for me
pastilla says
7 years ago
:-) Thank you!
pastilla says
7 years ago
I bought a folding bike a few years ago, you have inspired me to pull it out again!
deinera says
7 years ago
Awww! :-) It's a lot of work, putting folding/unfolding it. I think you have to have the right mindset or someone might be disappointed because it won't ride like a performance full-size bike, y'know??
deinera says
7 years ago
I hope you enjoy it, if you decide to start riding it! :-D
7 years ago
if you have reasonable balance you could have gone for an unibike, Single wheel no handlebars no need to fold anyting. I had one of those years ago but I was not very confident on it. (blush)
deinera says
7 years ago
I could never do the unicycle/unibike. No way. I'd hurt myself. Ha ha ha!
pastilla says
7 years ago
I once basically fell over while watching one, so....
7 years ago
yep, we got a winner
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