<_>! I could not have put it better myself
i know im telling the clock to go faster cuz im sleepy but also to slow tf down because what the hell
WELCOme back you birthed athena out of your metaphorical skull, i think, how's she looking
i spent like, a minute rereading the past stuff i did
to get my head back into it
tilly u champion. and good job zelly!!
everyone is beating me why
because you're going for quality over quanitity??/
you're still a winner in our hearts
you're a weiner in my heart
tomorrows gonna be 6pm pst/9est/1pm nzst, 7 pm pst/10est/2pm nzst, and 10pm/1est/6pm nzst
then we're on break til tues or weds next week cuz im going to the other hemispherrrre
keep me in the loop i should be around for them tomorrow
how much pre-planning do yall put into your stories? im in a land of writing simple-ish short fiction but am tackling a more complex thing
and trying not to tailspin into procrastination
man having never successfully completed a long...well that's not true.
i have no idea how i managed to finish my dissertation but i did.
it was shit. i think it's gone in harddrive crashes. im glad of it even tho i normally hate losing things
for me so far my notes are all largely for the purpose of, when im sitting around flailing in a panic of writer's block of "holy shit it's go time what am I doing", then i can look and know what i'm doing
i do months of prep-work lmfa
and it's never even enough
in the end i keep bumping into issues where im like ah shit i don't know this
quickly make something up/quickly go to wiki/leave some brackets with idea you're trying to make
haha i imagine that to some degree is inevitable
leigh bardugo talked about it a little actually let me find ..
here. it was nice to see.
this speaks to my method w short fiction for sure
that first draft that is complete nonsense and random asides
im always curious about how other writers do their thing
neil gaiman seems to talk about his process a lil too. altho mostly i just know this from his forward in the version of american gods
that i have. but it's pretty interesting even then because it's clear
hes just been tearing it apart and putting it back together and grooming it for years and years
excising whole scenes then reconsidering and ptting it back
and its like oh i guess even ngaiman isnt sure
yeah! he used to talk a lot about his writing process
i remember reading or listening to him talk about how he'd write a novel totally by hand in moleskines and a fountain pen in a super isolated, remote place - either a friend's cabin or whatever
and then his assistant would be the one who would type it out for him
i think he's since changed his pace
but i thought that was interesting too
just how you couldn't be distracted by the rest of what the computer could do
it's just about you and the writing
and yeah i think he talked about growing a beard while writing, and then he'd shave it off when he was done haha
lol yeah i think i heard about that!