Planning a big seminar in October
New Categories for EDS, like we needed more
New gene types have been found
App: Ehlers Danlos Society
Brittle Cornea Syndrome well, I'm gonna have nightmares niw
All EDS is caused by an amino acid processing deficiency
They still have not found the gene for type 3
So glad I do not have the super stretchy skin
The thing I had in January was a molloscoid pseudotumer!
We have collagen flowers in our skin!
The thing that had my arm in a sling for two days
We should not use opioids for pain, ever
Need plastic surgeon for surgery
Do not demonstrate your hypermobility: no party tricks
Use light non-weight bearing exercise
No more Zaph giving us shit over stressful movies and shows, it damages our lymbic system
Pain meds and anti inflammatory drugs should be a last resort
Echocardiogram every 3-5 years
So my next should be in 2020
Colonoscopy IS and increased risk for us
Can have higher B12 in blood without actually absorbing it
Must continue with 50,000 unit Vit D
Avoid triggers, monitor your diet, do your meds and supplements
So, not too much we didn't already know
the 'no party tricks' is p. obvious, but kinda poutyface even though I already knew it, because the folding my thumb behind my hand thing is pretty cool >__>
You can do the other one where you stick it out through your fist