no more salsa
8 years ago
[Meme] RP questions! But not 5 because I've somehow become shipper trash and my threads will likely reflect that.
latest #31
8 years ago
I see nothing when I click on that...
no more salsa
8 years ago
Works for me on mobile? Hmm.
duck bastard
8 years ago
7, 22, 23
8 years ago
Hmmm... 5 /shot/
Seriously, ah
8 years ago
3, 8, 11?
no more salsa
8 years ago
17: Uh. I have a lot of Strange Ideas. About half of them are for Chrono because we don't know anything so I have to make a lot of assumptions.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Picking one is hard. Although things like having to pick what kind of music a character listens to are probably the most unusual.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Or my traditional assumption that, if you let an Itsuki keep playing at being male, eventually everyone around her stops waiting for her to change her mind.
no more salsa
8 years ago
7: OH GOD, can I just answer "everything"? I feel like stuff comes out of left field half the time. Although one of my common ones is how quickly characters adjust to unreasonable situations.
no more salsa
8 years ago
It still gets me how fast I can just shrug off "but she's in another world" (or "but she's reincarnated").
no more salsa
8 years ago
Sora in basically every game I ever throw her into surprises me often, too.
no more salsa
8 years ago
22: College for most of my characters. More mecha shenanigans for Sora and maybe Chrono. Adult life, and maybe being a mother, for Winter.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Excuses to be Big Damn Heroes across the board.
8 years ago
looks up from newspaper
no more salsa
8 years ago
Chrono as a commander who is on screen for more than five seconds. Related, Kevin leading an investigation.
no more salsa
8 years ago
23: Ooh. Obligatory "all Precure exist in the same world instance". I still like the StE gametype, too - characters that become something else during play.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Um... not sure beyond that, I'm a little short on imagination at this precise moment.
no more salsa
8 years ago
3: AU! I love the experience of building a character that feels like a given person but is subtly different in little ways.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Let's see... powers, but specifically the option to play a character without them around people that HAVE them.
no more salsa
8 years ago
The ability to have a character run their mouth a bunch, even if or especially if they're wrong.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Not having a network gets tiring after a while - I need a way for a character that isn't a social butterfly to have interaction with other characters.
no more salsa
8 years ago
A large Precure cast.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Almost everything else is negotiable.
no more salsa
8 years ago
8: Lots of setting history. Especially if it's the kind of "you should know this already" and it's dense.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Long and tedious tracking of stuff. Echoes were about as complicated as I was willing to get, though if I like the game enough I can deal.
no more salsa
8 years ago
People that make long tags - sometimes. I feel like I need to reply with something long, and unless I can click with given CR really well it's hard to come up with something that...
no more salsa
8 years ago
I dunno, something that feels like it's worth anything against someone that's working hard.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Not that I can't work with it, as StE proved once and for all.
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