[Camelot/Fucking Seals] The further into this chapter I get, the further I realize how messed up by the war Agravaine IS
latest #15
like his whole problem is he anticipates way too much. He reacts before people act
based on what he assumes is going to happen
and he so doesn't get why gawaine dragged him to camelot and is miserable there
actually, given his herritage, that makes sense
not that he's worked it out yet
lancelot's the only one who has a clue that he's actually something more than just the result of one of morgause's random flings
I need to work out the camelot years so that he actually finds out about that on the tail end of going back home
i could see that being a good break and insert skip point actually
finding out oh, my real father's a seal lord, going fuck this, and going home
the early years are totally prologue but they're interesting enough to me to establish stuff for these guys
like how very fey my avalon is, etc
and Gawaine's just gotten concerned enough to drop his posturing. Oh wow
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