8 years ago
咦?居然沒有很酸 what kind of voodoo magic is this?
latest #9
8 years ago
so confused
8 years ago
that wasp sting has given you superhuman abilities. you are now a waspman!
8 years ago
Gasp! Maybe it's the sting that was prophesied!
nana123 says
8 years ago
wasp man mark!! i sense a new marvel series coming!
8 years ago
There's actually a wasp in marvel, and she's a girl
nana123 says
8 years ago
in comparison to other super power like shooting spider webs etc, i think your super power of not getting sore muscles after a hike is more desirable and practical..
8 years ago
It was still sore, just not very sore
8 years ago
lol GJ waspman! now you can grind more, shed more time, and cut down to 1.5hr like raach XD
8 years ago
this is by far the geekiest post I've read on Plurk all week
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