8 years ago
picks his brother up from behind, spinning him around. "West! Weeeest!" his brother was adorable. The cutest.
latest #291
Ludwig was
8 years ago
not expecting to be picked up from behind as he's watering the plants in his garden. The watering can that he had been holding nearly flings from his hand but luckily he has enough of a mind to grasp on to
8 years ago
it harder. He makes a sound of distress as his brows immediately furrow together in a frown. "Gilbert! Put me down! Mein Gott! What has gotten into you!"
8 years ago
laughs, setting him down and smushing his cheeks together. "I was cleaning your room, and you know what I found?"
Ludwig gives
8 years ago
him an incredulous look. He was starting to become very worried for his brother. "But my room..." However, he doesn't get to properly finish that thought because Gilbert proceeds to smush his cheeks
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together and this makes it very difficult to speak. Ludwig's brows knit further together and it's clear he looks annoyed. "Bruder!" He exclaims as he drops the watering can and grabs both of Gilbert's hands to
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pry them off of his cheeks. "What....what has gotten into you today? My room is clean...."
8 years ago
thinks his bruder is the cutest ever. "I found a very cute, very worn but loved teddy bear. You're the cutest brother ever." he definitely was.
8 years ago
's cheeks immediately flush as he freezes in what could only be described as horrified embarrassment. "You weren' weren't supposed to see that..." Ludwig groans as he steps back and pinches the
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bridge of his nose. His cheeks were only darkening as he stood in his embarrassment.
8 years ago
adores how cute his brother is. "Aw West, don't be embarrassed. I'm touched that you still have it after all did time." he'd had an inkling, but wasn't sure until now.
"it's a great bear. He's sturdy, huh?"
8 years ago
did not want to be having this conversation. He's looking away trying to calm his flush but to no real avail. "He is...surprised he lasted this long...but I tried to take care of him..."
8 years ago
was sentimental in those respects...
8 years ago
can't help but smile at that. "I know you did, West. You were a great kid, and you grew up to be an amazing guy." he ruffled West's hair, pleased when it mussed.
8 years ago
_"I'm proud of you. I don't think I tell you that enough, but I am."
8 years ago
's cheeks just darken and for a second he looks slightly emotional but he swallows it down and nods. "...Gilbert..." He manages to
8 years ago
get out and it's clear he wanted to say more but he doesn't manage. However, he does fix his hair with a slight huff. "If you're not busy...we can spend some time together."
8 years ago
beams at that, perking up immediately. "I'm never too busy for you." he nudges him lightly. _
8 years ago
"What do you want to do? we could go out for beers, or see a show, or just walk around..."
8 years ago
smiles at that. "Perhaps some beers and if we find a show we can go see one."
8 years ago
would love that.
"That would be great! Not an opera though, I always fall asleep."
8 years ago
had been on the verge of suggesting a comedic opera but refrains. "I saw advertising for a comedic kink show...if that interests you..."
8 years ago
blinks at that. A comedic... kink show?
"Ja...Ja, that sounds good. Interesting. Really? A comedic kink show?" he'd never heard of that before
8 years ago
nods a slight flush still present. "'s being performed because of Pride...looks interesting, it received good reviews."
8 years ago
perks up at that completely.
"We can go to Pride together. They have lots of alcohol and food, and we can find out information about the show."
8 years ago
moves to pick up his discarded ester container. "This is true. I missed it last year so let's make this one count. I'm going to put a few things away...and then we can go?"
8 years ago
grins at that. "Sure! Just give me one second, I'll be right back." he bolts, scrambling up to his room and changing.
8 years ago
His leather pants, and harness, and not much else, honestly. He was going to do Pride the best way.
8 years ago
His leather pants, and harness, and not much else, honestly. He was going to do Pride the best way.
8 years ago
has finished putting his stuff away and so he entertains the dogs as he waits for Gilbert to show up...and he nearly chokes on his
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saliva at the sight of him. "B-bruder...!?" His cheeks immediately flare up. "Are you going that?"
8 years ago
takes a few steps back to glance at himself in the mirror. "Uh...Ja, this is the best way to go to Pride. How long since you've last gone, West? A few decades, huh?"
8 years ago
frowns. "It hasn't been that long...I just...choose to go like myself." He's already moving to grab the house keys. "If you're
8 years ago
ready...we can go now."
8 years ago
gives him a look at that. "West, I can wait for you to change. I know you have the same kind of thing in your closet."
8 years ago
flushes at that look. "I...I can't go like that..." Gott, he would be to embarrassed to step outside.
8 years ago
hums softly at that. "Why?" he's not accusatory , just curious.
8 years ago
looks anywhere but at Gilbert cheeks darkening. "I feel...that that is something for only certain people..." Gott, he couldn't
8 years ago
even look at Gilbert dressed like that.
8 years ago
thinks on that for a moment. "West, are you embarrassed of what you like?"
8 years ago
watches his brother carefully. "West, are you embarrassed of the things you enjoy?"
8 years ago
freezes for a second. This was not a topic he thought he would be having with Gilbert, not because he had a problem with Gilbert
8 years ago
but because he kept this to himself. They were his own insecurities and it was probably blatantly obvious now. -
8 years ago
's eyes become downcast before he's looking off to the side as if looking at the dogs. "N-no..." He had never been good at lying.
8 years ago
sighs softly, a little... sad, for him.
"West... why? It's normal to have interests, whatever they are. Is it this," he motioned
8 years ago
_to himself, his outfit. "In particular? Or interests in general?" Because West was different like that.
8 years ago
's brows knit together at the sigh. He couldn't quite help what made him feel uncomfortable. "I would say particular." But not the
8 years ago
only thing that embarrassed Ludwig about his interests.
8 years ago
hums at that. Oh..
"It's just...I mean, on one hand you have seen me walking around in my boxers. So the outfit isn't that scandalous. _
8 years ago
_ on the other hand... you're into this stuff, you know kink shaming isn't cool. So no doing it to yourself."
8 years ago
looks slightly shamed. "I'll go change..." He says as he pulls his shoes off to tred up the stairs to his room. Gott, he couldn't believe he was doing this.
8 years ago
feels a little guilty now. "West... hey, only if you want okay? If you aren't comfortable, I shouldn't push."
8 years ago
pauses at the top stair as he glances down at Gilbert. "I...I can try it...I'll bring clothes to change into."
8 years ago
guesses it's alright then. He can change clothes if he feels too uncomfortable.. "Okay. Okay, Yea."
8 years ago
comes down dressed in perfectly fitting leather pants...once that really accentuated Ludwig's package...a leather officers cap and his harness. He was certainly a
8 years ago
sight to behold. However, the flush on his cheeks really took away from.the intimidating and hot look. He looked slightly like a puppy who had been kicked.
8 years ago
wolf whistles when he sees his bruder come down the stairs. "Aw, don't look so sad West! You look fucking hot, you might need a crop to beat away your suitors."
8 years ago
's cheeks just darken and he frowns at Gilbert. "I hope that at an event like this ..that behaving won't be an issue."
8 years ago
raises his eyebrows, the picture of innocence. "Of course not West, everyone is there to have a good time." and get drunk, and party... and laid.
8 years ago
8 years ago
rolls his eyes at Gilbert. "Maybe I should go get the crop..." However, he's already at the door clad in fitting boots for the outfit.
8 years ago
had already put on his boots while waiting for him to change, and nudges him out the door. "Save that for tonight."
8 years ago
is almost regretting all these decisions but he does step out, locks the door and quickly after sliding into the drivers seat. "Seatbelts." He reminds simply
8 years ago
as he brings the car to life.
8 years ago
has groaned and huffed and fought him over this for too long, and simply puts on the belt... but turns up the music.
8 years ago
doesn't seem to mind the louder music...probably my because he was used to this behaviour. He pulls out if the drive way and starts towards Berlin. -
8 years ago
It doesn't take him long to find a parking spot. When he does he cuts the engine and slides out. His embarrassment hits him full on when eyes are already on him.
8 years ago
smacks his ass playfully. "See? You're already outshining your big bruder, you should be proud. You know what'll help? A beer."
8 years ago
tense after Gilbert smacks his ass and he's practically convinced himself to get back into the car. However, the word beer deters his fleeing. "This is on
8 years ago
you for that smack." He says simply...trying to ignore the stares by pulling his hat down so his eyes weren't so visible.
8 years ago
cackles happily. "The rest of the night is on me, so long as you stick around." because he really did miss his bruder._
8 years ago
drags him to the closest stand selling beer. "Order what you want, West."
8 years ago
gives him a look because he wasn't sure where his brother was getting the money from...but one drink was feasible. "A Dunkel Bier bitte... Größe.."
8 years ago
orders the same. West doesn't need to worry about him. When one empire falls, another rises. "There's Tons of food here, it's great."
8 years ago
doesn't understand how another could rise for Gilbert...if they share the same country. "I was hoping to get some currywurst at some point."
8 years ago
doesn't think West needs to worry about it. "Currywurst sounds great! I know I saw an apfelstrudel cart somewhere..."
8 years ago
hums happily. "Well, we might have to partake in that as well." He lifts his beer to clink it with Gilbert's. "Prost."
8 years ago
says before taking a sip.
8 years ago
grins at that, clinking back. "Prost," before taking a long drink. Yes, wonderful. Beer was exactly what he needed.
8 years ago
clinks his glass as well "Prost!" he was so happy they were doing this. he'd missed his brother a lot.
8 years ago
nudges him lightly. "See anything else, or maybe anyone you'd like to partake in?"
8 years ago
flushes. "I don't partake that easily with other people in that way know this."
8 years ago
knows, but... "Well, do you see anyone you want to build a long and stable relationship with, before partaking them?"
8 years ago
gives him such an incredulous look. "I don't think I should even deem that with an answer." He says simply as he drinks more beer because that was a good solution.
8 years ago
..buys his bruder another beer. "No, I get it. someone you already have a connection with. Though lots of people want to connect with you." they were staring, and although Gilbert was proud... he was
8 years ago
_mildly jealous, oddly enough.
Ludwig is
8 years ago
listening to Gilbert and then all of a sudden a man just as well built as Ludwig snakes an arm around his waist. This said man pulls Ludwig back against his chest, waits for a horrified Ludwig to try and
8 years ago
look at him before he steals quite the kiss. Ludwig's brain nearly short-circuits but the man is the crowd.
8 years ago
stares, unable to believe that just happened. He's unsure whether to cheer, or go beat the hell out of the
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guy but... well, this is pride, and his brother is a smoke show. "Two Jaeger shots please," he orders.
8 years ago
looks about ready to bolt. His face had turned the colour of a tomato and it looked as if his brain had combusted because other than the flush...and gaping mouth...well it was hard to say if Ludwig was just
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going to bounce or break down of embarrassment.
8 years ago
slides both shots over to his brother. "That, is a modern day compliment. You might want to drink this." his brother is an adorable shade of red, and he wishes he could get away with a picture.
8 years ago
mechanically takes both shots and he downs one just before he downs a second one. "If I hadn't had two beers...and now these two shots...I would be leaving. I'm going to wait until the alcohol flushes out of
8 years ago
my system...and then I'm going home....and I will remain there...for a long time...":
8 years ago
laughs, wrapping an arm around his brother and holding tight. "What, for a little attention? Come on West, have some fun!!"
8 years ago
scowls. "That was more than a little attention and I don't want to stick around for that to happen again." Bl
8 years ago
rolls his eyes, still grinning. "Aw, come on West. It's just a little harmless fun, but you know what?" he presses a loud smack of a kiss
8 years ago
against his cheek, and orders four more shots.
"I'll protect you, okay? From the big bad men that want to give you some."
8 years ago
's flush only darkens (if that was even possible) when Gilbert kisses his cheek. "You are incorrigible..." He sighs.
8 years ago
adjusts West's hat slightly. "Yea, but you love me." he loves doting on West, and he's missed him so much anyways. He'd do what he had to, so that he'd have fun.
8 years ago
turns back to the shots placed in front of them. It was a good way to also give him time to settle his flush. "These won't drink itself...will it now." He sounded a little on the reserved side but that's what
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a surprise kiss from a random stranger would do to him. It would take him only a little bit to recover from it so it was a good thing that Gilbert was insisting they stay. Ludwig picks up one shot glass and
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raises it to Gilbert as he finally meets his gaze.
8 years ago
cheers at West agreeing to stay. "No, they won't." he picks up his own shot, meeting his gaze with a grin. "Prost!"
8 years ago
immediately downs it and then reaches for the second one to do the same. He makes a face but he looks a little better than just five minutes before. He hadn't quite felt the alcohol but he knew if he decided to
8 years ago
take a would really hit him.
8 years ago
downs his own as well, both one after the other. "West this is going to be great! You'll see, the parade, and the booths, and lots of hot people."
8 years ago
| "I hope you don't want us to participate in the parade." He does glance down at a watch he had made sure to bring with him. "It will start in half an hour...we might want to hurry."
8 years ago
pays for their drinks. "To the parade!" he takes West's hand, tugging him off the stool and towards the large gathering of people.
8 years ago
stumbles when he's dragged off of his stool. He does manage to catch his balance but not fast enough to pull Gilbert back. "G-gilbert! LANGSAM!" He growls but he knows that he's starting to feel the effects of
8 years ago
the alcohol...they hadn't paced theirselves.
8 years ago
slows down only a little because he has to weave through crowds. "Ja, Ja..." he keeps West close by, because a lot of these guys have wandering hands.
Ludwig is
8 years ago
thankful but he does unfortunately get groped a couple of times...this place was not safe for men he was starting to least not men like him.
8 years ago
thinks it's not.. safety that's an issue. Ludwig is perfectly safe! He's just
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inherited his attractive good looks, and so he gets a lot of attention. "Aha!" he hops a fence where the parade is being organized. "come on, West!"
8 years ago
| When Gilbert hops the fence Ludwig stops just behind it tugging at Gilbert so he can't go any further. "Nein! We are not breaking any rules just so you can participate in this parade Gilbert! There are rules
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and protocols that must be followed if they are fencing the area. You can't just disregard them for your own amusement. I will not go any further. You can go alone if you don't want to follow proper
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procedure." He lectures as he pulls his hand free and crosses his arms over his very broad chest.
8 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It's fine! The entrance is all the way on the other side, it makes no sense to walk all the way there when we can cut through here. Come on West! Pleeease, for me."
8 years ago
gives him a very displeased look and for a moment it looks as if he's not going to budge. -
8 years ago
, however, relents and he jumps over the small fence. He comes up beside Gilbert despite his expression and motions him to lead.
8 years ago
cheers, dragging him through the sections, past the drag queens, towards the part where there were more men in leather.
8 years ago
has resigned himself to his fate. He looks a little displeased but other than that he seems fine with his decision.
8 years ago
tugs him into the section, though a little more to the side where it was less overwhelming. "This is going to be so great."
8 years ago
was thankful for that. "We only walk?" He had seen this but never really participated himself. He was usually to embarrassed
8 years ago
about it despite always being a part of the LGBT community even in the 1800s.
8 years ago
shrugs. "Yea, we walk. Some people dance and jump up and down, but this is nice." Yes, he actually preferred the calmer version.
"We meet cool people too." he threw an arm around his brother, tugging him
8 years ago
closer. Being ogled was one thing, but if his brother didn't want to be touched, Gilbert was going to stake his claim.
8 years ago
flushes as he's tugged closer to Gilbert. He feels much more comfortable this way because at least he knows no one will try and steal a kiss. He shuffles a little closer as he nods lightly at what is being said
8 years ago
to him by Gilbert. "Are you planning on taking someone back?" He asks curiously and filled with an uncertain emotion he couldn't quite pinpoint.
8 years ago
shakes his head. "Nahh, we came to pride to spend time together, right? I'm all yours today, West. It'll be just the two of us."
8 years ago
_He might be secretly pleased that West wasn't likely to take someone home, and leave him.
8 years ago
nods at that. He couldn't help the small smile that does make it onto his features. It wasn't all that noticeable but Gilbert would certainly notice considering they both knew each other very well. "That was
8 years ago
the impression I got." He says to show that they were clearly both thinking the same thing.
8 years ago
grins at the small smile, nudging him lightly. "We'll have fun, West. It'll be great." he tugged him closer, squeezing his shoulder briefly.
8 years ago
wraps an arm around Gilbert's waist to keep him close. "You still owe me some currywurst."
8 years ago
leans against him, and can visibly see some other men starting to back off. Good! "I do owe you currywurst. I think...we should try a little from every booth and see who has the best."
8 years ago
smiles, he liked this idea. "After the parade then." He was trying to ignore most others and focus solely on Gilbert. It kept him calm and grounded...not that
8 years ago
he wasn't per say but the episode with the surprise stranger kiss had him slightly on edge.
8 years ago
grins, stealing his hat. "Good." The rest of the parade goes well, Gilbert staying close by and making friends with one of the drag queens. once the
8 years ago
_parade is done, he tugs West towards the first currywurst booth. "Okay, this one first?"
8 years ago
also manages to make friends. People that were much more respectful to his personal space. It helped that he could use Gilbert as a slight shield. -
8 years ago
let's Gilbert take control, not that that was so foreign. "Hmm, ja, looks good to me." He says as he glances around and smiles at one of the men they had
8 years ago
been speaking with during the parade.
8 years ago
waves at him as well, before ordering one order for them to split. They should pace themselves if they were going to every stand. "A beer as well?"
8 years ago
nods. "It would be a crime not to." He says as he comes up beside Gilbert.
8 years ago
orders two beers, paying and waiting impatiently for the currywurst. "It would be a crime. Beer and currywurst at every station."
8 years ago
hums happily. "Well, perhaps we can hold back on the currywurst at some point." He's glad when the beer is brought out and he raises it for another +
8 years ago
prost making sure to clink it before sipping at it.
8 years ago
does the same, downing half the beer in one go. Most of the day goes the same, drinking beer and eating currywurst.
8 years ago
Gilbert is starting to sway a little, holding onto West a little more firmly, and starting to glare at anyone that looks at him.
8 years ago
is quite giddy as he holds Gilbert up. He's much more open to the entire experience and the people they had met. It's usually at this point that he really enjoys his time at these sort of events. -
8 years ago
| "More beer~~"
8 years ago
cheers at that, clinging to him. "More beer!" he orders some more, smushing his cheeks. "You want some Jaeger shots, West? Shoots!"
8 years ago
's cheeks flush and he looks a little embarrassed despite his drunken state. He held a lot of affection for Gilbert that sometimes he wasn't sure what
8 years ago
to make of it. "J-ja...ja why not~" He says as he orders the shots for them.
8 years ago
grins at that, pressing a smack of a kiss against his cheek. He slides West's shot over to him, picking up his own. "Prost, to the best pride ever."
8 years ago
's cheeks flush darker and he lets out an almost choked laugh as he takes the shot glass. "To the best Pride." He agrees as he clinks their shots, brings it back to the table
8 years ago
and then downs it. "I...I think we need a hotel tonight..."
8 years ago
taps his nose. "You, are correct. As always. I'll take care of the hotel, whenever we're done. For now," he downs the shot. "Another?"
8 years ago
| "Where getting this money from Gil?" He asks as he leans his side against Gilbert's. "Ja...ja, more is good." His voice coming out slurred. He was feeling very happily drunk.
8 years ago
laughs, ruffling his hair. He'd stolen West's hat early on, leaving him free to muss Ludwig's hair. "Don't worry about it West. Just worry about the next shot, okay?" he ordered two, pushing one into his hand.
8 years ago
's hair had become quite missed up...falling over his forehead...which made him look a little younger. The thing was with his was easy to tell that hr wasn't as young as
8 years ago
his hairstyle made him seem. His lips do thin as he tries to fix something he clearly won't be able too. He takes the shot and clinks it pathetically
8 years ago
with Gil's before downing it. He brings the shot glass hard back down on the counter and let's out a low laugh of amusement. "Wunderbar!"
8 years ago
cackles at that, happy that West was so happy. He felt like it has been too long since he'd seen his brother laugh. He takes his own shot, though by
8 years ago
now he's leaning heavily against his brother, holding onto one of the straps of Ludwig's harness. "You're wunderbar!"
8 years ago
laughs a little more. "I...think we might call it a night."
8 years ago
tries to shake him by the harness, but West was so... strong. "But those drag queens told us to go watch them perform! Gloria said we had to go see her!"
8 years ago
blinks at Gilbert as he lets that sink in. "Beer...and then the show?"
8 years ago
nods as if filled with wisdom. "Beer before the show, during the show, after the show."
8 years ago
grins. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Shall we?" He stays close nearly pulling Gil into his arms as he waits for him to lead the way.
8 years ago
wraps himself around Ludwig, walking off towards the bar, a little bit swaying and uneven in his footing.
8 years ago
was glad they had each other for support because he would not be able to.make it there alone. When they is the first thing they order before they find a good
8 years ago
place to they don't fall. They were seated in a booth and Ludwig chose to sit very near Gilbert almost as if he couldn't fathom parting his brother's side.
8 years ago
wraps an arm around West in the booth, pressing a beer into his brother's hand and leaning against his side. Gilbert cheers when one of the Queens come on stage, a little too drunk to register the music.
8 years ago
takes the beer and mechanically drinks or as he stays close to Gilbert. He's not much for cheering so he lets his brother to all the cheering for him.
8 years ago
will cheer as much as he needs to, and throw the occasional euro. But for the most part he's leaning against Ludwig, an arm wrapped comfortably around him.
8 years ago
couldn't have asked for a better night and so when the show is done. They are invited to party with the drag queens which
8 years ago
ends up being a great time with more alcohol.
8 years ago
is absolutely trashed by the time people start talking about an after party. All he knows is that West's skin is so soft, and he's so great, and he's missed him so much.
Ludwig has
8 years ago
been holding Gilbert up as he enjoys the company of all the drag queens and even some of the leather clad men from the parade. They were actually quite popular but he was just as trashed as Gilbert by this
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point. However, they can't say no so they end up going but was normal for him when drunk, had become quite clingy and was trailing as close to Gilbert as possible. A beer half done in his grasp he's
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laughing at some of the jokes made by some of the drag queens...who for once Ludwig didn't mind were stealing kisses from him.
8 years ago
is batting away all these hedonistic leeches as best he can. West was his. His dammit! Gilbert slides a hand into Ludwig's hair, tugging him against his shoulder. "Mine."
8 years ago
blinks as he's tugged to Gilbert's side. He looked a little lost but also happy when Gilbert's back in view. "Yours~" He breathes softly.
8 years ago
grins at that, ruffling West's hair and brushing a kiss against his cheek. "That's right. I don't want anyone else fucking with you, okay?"
8 years ago
flushes lightly as he glances at Gilbert. "E-except for you...?" He asks in such a hushed voice because a part of Ludwig wanted that...wanted Gilbert to take him.
8 years ago
grins at that pressing their foreheads together, everything feeling so heavy. "I'm the only one Allowed to mess with you. I'm the only one allowed to have you."
8 years ago
's flush darkens at that. "G-gilbert...bitteee..." His voice trembles lightly almost begging.
8 years ago
furrows his brow a little at that. "What is it that you want, West? You know I'd do anything for you."
8 years ago
was almost ashamed and so he pulls free of Gilbert's grasp trying to tame his flush. "I..I need to sleep..."
8 years ago
places a hand across the back of his neck, tugging him in. "Tell me what you want."
8 years ago
can't escape and so his flush darkens. "I...I want you to take me..." He breathes out finally...softly so only Gilbert can hear him.
8 years ago
stares at him. It doesn't take long for the real meaning to sink in, before Gilbert is leaning in. "You want me, West? You wanna get that hotel room?"
8 years ago
nods averting his gaze as best as he can. He wasn't sure if it was the alcohol talking or if this was what he really wanted.
8 years ago
leans in, brushing a kiss against his jaw, wanting to see if he really wanted this. "West?"
8 years ago
doesn't meet Gilbert's gaze. "Gilbert...." He anseers unsure what more he wanted in terms of consent.
8 years ago
ducks down, trying to catch his gaze. "Can you look at me? Please?"
8 years ago
finally meets his gaze his cheeks reddening. "Gilbert...I'm looking at you...what more do you want..."
8 years ago
smiles a little at him, leaning in. "A kiss would be nice, if you're up for it."
8 years ago
smiles softly and he leans forward to catch Gilbert's lips in a soft kiss.
8 years ago
kisses him back, tugging him a little closer. He couldn't believe this was actually happening to him.
8 years ago
can't help but deepen the kiss as he's tugged closer. He's happy...he's very happy because this was Gilbert and he loves Gilbert. -
8 years ago
never thought their strange relationship would develop in this direction...but he wasn't against it. "Hotel..." He breathes against his lips. "Now..."
8 years ago
hums, pulling away enough to grasp his hand and pull him out of the club, through the throng of people. "Hotel... hotel, where's the nearest..." fuck. Uh... two streets over?
8 years ago
holds onto Gilbert's hand tightly as he tries to calm the butterflies in his stomach. He's quite drunk so he's more than happy to let Gilbert lead the way until he stalls and then he's stepping forward to tug
8 years ago
Gilbert down the street. He's managed to straighten his posture but his flush has made it all the way down his neck and with his hair loose he looked almost like his teenage self....almost.
8 years ago
is clutching into him, listing to the side. He's just as drunk, though maybe a little less, as people had been buying West drinks all night. "Almost there!"
8 years ago
can't remember exiting the club anymore when they round the next corner but Gilbert's side pressed against his gives him reassurance.
8 years ago
stumbles a few times, and almost gets lost, but he manages to drag them into a hotel lobby and politely demand a hotel room, no matter the cost.
8 years ago
That last bit is what has the staff shuffling things around and setting a key card down on the counter. Yes!
8 years ago
had detached himself from Gilbert when they had entered the lobby and despite looking a little lost and very flushed. He...well he looked a little better put together even in his leather outfit, actually...he
Ludwig was
8 years ago
getting stares of approval even from some of the guests of the hotel because if anything Ludwig wore his outfit well....
8 years ago
snatches up the key card, thanks the clerk, and takes Ludwig's hand, tugging him towards the elevator.
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manages to press the button to beckon the lift when they arrive at the it. He squeezes Gil's hand and smiles softly at him.
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leans in, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Doing okay, West?"
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hums softly. "Ja~" He says as the doors open and he's tugging Gilbert inside. When they close, Ludwig is dragging Gilbert forward and he's only momentarily distracted when his back hits the wall of the
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lift but then his gaze is back on Gilbert's and he looks so happy to be with him.
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grins at how happy Ludwig looks, and he's so happy that Ludwig is, that he can't help but kiss him. It just seems like the perfect thing to do
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wraps his arms around Gilbert's waist pulling him closer as he responds to the kiss. He let's out a small sigh against his lips as he parts his lips for Gilbert.
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presses Ludwig against the wall, deepening the kiss. Only when the door opens, does he pull away with one more kiss, biting at his lower lip. "Let's go,"
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groans when Gilbert bites his lower lip. "Ja...okay." He breathes out as he follows his 'brother' out. He's glancing
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down in slight embarrassment. "Gil..." There was a needy undertone.
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squeezes his hand, tugging him towards the room. "I know, West. I know, we're almost there."
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swallows and nods being patient. They were almost there after all.
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manages to open their door, tugs him inside and presses him up against the door, kissing him roughly.
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is more than happy with the roughness of the kiss as he moves his hands to drag Gilbert hard against him.
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groans softly at that, hands sliding against Ludwig's skin, tugging lightly at the leather straps.
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nips at his lips. "Take me to bed."
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kisses him rough and quick, before dragging him towards the bed by his straps, shoving him down onto the mattress. "You sure that's what you want?"
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looks aroused by the treatment and he's nodding as he looks up at Gilbert from between his fringe. "I want you to dominate me." He breathes out.
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groans at that, moving to straddle his waist, hands exploring Ludwig's body. "Yea? How long have you wanted that, West?" He's struggling a little with the straps, too drunk to quite manage.
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is flushed as he lets his head drop onto the mattress. "Ah gott...long...very long.."
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can't even fucking handle that right now. He crushes their mouths together in another kiss, foregoing the straps in favour of undoing his pants instead.
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threads his fingers into Gilbert's hair before grasping it hard as he kisses back with equal roughness. He lifts his hips up trying to help
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Gilbert with his pants.
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struggles, because leather pants are not easy to remove while sober, let alone drunk. But he tugs them down under his ass, and bites Ludwig's lower
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lip before pulling away to peel it down his legs, and off entirely.
8 years ago
| It was clear Ludwig was aroused and when Gilbert manages to peel his pants off he lets out a low groan. His lip is still
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throbbing from the bite but it has him shuddering in pleasure. "Gott...Ja...Bitte..."
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grins when he sees how hard Ludwig is, licking his lips and stroking the other gently. "All this for me?"
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squeezes his eyes shut as he thrusts his hips up slowly into Gilbert's hand. "'s for you..." He gasps.
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hums, stroking him slowly as he leans up to pepper kisses across Ludwig's chest between the straps, occasionally leaving a little bite mark. West was his after all.
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lets out a small cry whenever Gilbert marks up his skin. He's trembling the more he's being stroked and eventually he has to sit up so he can grab at Gilbert's wrist to stop him from stroking him to
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completion. "Gilbert...stop...I don't want...fuck...I don't want to come yet. Not this soon." His cheeks darken. "I want to feel you inside me first."
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glances up at him, surprised at that but very much pleased. He pulls his hand away, but bites lightly at one of his
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nipples before pulling away and nudging his legs apart. They hadn't given him lube... "Should we call room service for lube?"
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cries out when his nipple is bitten as he brings a hand to cover his mouth. He wanted to stifle his sounds however when Gilbert brings up calling room service Ludwig's face turns absolutely red. "No, absolutely
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not...." He was drunk but never that drunk that he would call room service for lube...letting them know what they were doing. He was not okay with that.
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hums, trying to think through his drunken haze. "There's lotion in the bathroom. I'll grab that."
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he squeezes Ludwig's knee, stumbling to go fetch the lotion. But soon he's stumbling into bed, settling between Ludwig's legs. "I got the lotion."
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props himself up on his elbows as he watches Gilbert go and fetch the lotion. When Gilbert comes back Ludwig looks thankful. "Thank god..." He breathes out.
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grins at that, leaning up to catch his mouth in a kiss. Gilbert is absolutely thrilled as he pops the cap from the lotion, coating his fingers and nudging the first against his entrance. "It'll be cold, sorry."
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kisses back and lets out a soft breath as he feels the cold lotion covered finger at his entrance. He only kisses Gilbert a little more vigorously as he snakes his hand behind Gilbert's head to keep him in
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place as he stretches him. "It's...fine..."
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groans against his mouth, carefully pressing the first finger in, as he pulls back enough to press kisses along Ludwig's jaw and down his neck.
Ludwig has
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to remember to relax (perhaps not such a hard feat seeing as he was ridiculously drunk). He tilts his head to the side to give Gilbert more access right after having laid himself properly down on the bed.
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takes advantage of the bared skin and bites, working on leaving a large hickey, as he curled his finger, nudging with a second as he worked the first in and out of Ludwig's body.
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lets out a hiss of pain when Gilbert bites down on his skin but then he lets out a muffled moan when Gilbert's starts working in a second finger inside of him. The curled finger helps with his pleasure and
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's letting out a louder moan as he pushes down on his 'brother's fingers.
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swears softly, just watching West squirm underneath him, as he works the digits in and out, curling to look for that one spot.
Ludwig is
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grasping onto the sheets under him as Gilbert works him even more. When the other curls his fingers even more it has him arching lightly off the bed as he groans and shudders. "G-Gilbert....Gott....Hurry.."-
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begs. "I...I need you...Gott...I need you..."
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licks his lips. Watching perfectly pristine West, his West all disheveled and begging for him... Gott.
"A little more, don't wanna hurt you..." he dips down to press a kiss against the
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dark mark on his neck, pressing a third finger in, and stretching carefully. "Just a little longer, you can do that for me, right?"
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squeezes his eyes shut as he grips the sheets now especially when the third finger is being pressed in. He's embarrassed by the fact that he was already pre-cumming over himself at the prepping. "J-AH Gott...
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can't help himself. He really can't, and leans down to lick at the pre-cum, sucking lightly at the head as he pulls his fingers back, struggling a little with his own pants. Fuck.
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|The hot tongue over the head of his cock as Ludwig instinctively bucking up as he bites his lip almost letting out a small whimper but managing to swallow that down. When Gilbert pulls his fingers out of
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it gives him a chance to regain some semblance of composure before he's becoming desperate again when it seems that the other can't get his trousers off. He's propping himself up panting as he watches Gilbert.
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's cheeks were flushed...and honestly the debauched look was a very good look on Ludwig. He doesn't say anything but it's clear he wants Gilbert to hurry.
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is trying to hurry, and looking up at how delicious Ludwig looks isn't helping. He manages to undo his pants, but
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falls sideways onto the bed as he tries to peel the pants from his legs. This was not fun when he was already hard as a fucking rock.
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's brows knit together as he watches his brother struggle with his trouser. " you need help?" He pants softly.
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wants to say yes, but as drunk as he is he knows this is very unsexy... but it's West, who knows how unawesome he can be and still loves him, so... "Bitte. Fuck, sorry." so unsexy. Ugh
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looks mildly amused despite his growing desperation. He moves to sit up as he turns to face Gilbert. He grabs each side of Gilbert's trousers and with a bit of difficulty he tugs them the rest of the way down.-
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flushes when he stares at Gilbert's erection...perhaps an unnecessary flush since he'd been begging for it for a while now. Ludwig does lean forward to press a gentle kiss to Gilbert's lips to show him that he
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really didn't care how unsexy that was seeing as Ludwig didn't really beg himself as sexy either.
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sighs softly, feeling better at the small kiss. West was so... West, and Gilbert adored him for it.
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_Once his pants were off however, he nudged Ludwig into his back, shifting between his legs, and kissing him hard and wanting, as he emptied the rest of the lotion tube into his erection. "You ready, West?"
Ludwig is
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more than happy to be pushed back onto his back and he kisses him back just as hard bringing a hand up to cradle that back of Gilb's head. When the other pulls back Ludwig is gazing up at him and nodding. -
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"I've been ready for a while now." He answers as he brings his arms up to grasp at the headboard to stabilize himself.
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grins at that, nudging their noses together. "If you say so." he hooks one of West's legs over his shoulder, carefully pressing inside. "Fuck West, you're so tight." It
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makes him happy though, that West is still mostly his, that no one else has touched him in a long time. Not this way, at least.
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adjusts to the new position and then bites his lip as Gilbert presses in. He was a little tight from inaction for so long but it didn't hurt...not that much. He swallows a small lump that got caught in the
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back of his throat before he's letting out a gasped moan when Gilbert is completely inside of him. "I-it''s been a while..." He pants and trembles.
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pauses to give him time to adjust, leaving kisses across his face, hands steadying West's hips. "Take your time. You've been holding out for me West?"
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takes in a deep breath as he rolls his hips against Gilbert's a little. "I'm fine...Gilbert....please...Gott...I have..."
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groans a little at that. He grips Ludwig's hips, shifting out a little before thrusting back in, and starting a slow pace.
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gasps at the first thrust before he's moving with Gilbert's slow thrusts.
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