8 years ago
Wowza plurk you are something else..I am watching so many plurks of the shootings in Dallas . It's horrible of course, but most of you couldn't take two minutes to talk about the murders that led to this.
latest #27
8 years ago
but every plurk i'm reading says that somewhere in it
8 years ago
I've been talking about what led up to this all day. I posted about this because it happened 20min from me and is a direct result of what we've all been talking about. I feel like its pretty relevant.
8 years ago
looks like the luck is running out.
8 years ago
dont take it personal I might not be referring to you.
8 years ago
Sorry, I posted about it because I am less than 5 miles from where this happened.
8 years ago
I wasn't taking it personally. You were speaking to a group I fell into.. just clarifying my reason for posting lol
8 years ago
madness, everywhere. It's too much.
8 years ago
for real.
8 years ago
Oh well yay. At least we know it was referring to me based on your comment to my plurk. Please think before you judge people's feelings about entire situations. I'm sorry you felt the need to read into my post.
8 years ago
does it really matter how close this happened to you? the point is it is only heartbreaking when it's right on your doorstep? I don't have to be vague.
8 years ago
that was my observation.
8 years ago
Just wondering where your heartbreak was before these cops were killed.
8 years ago
ColleenDesmoulins: My heartbreak was discussing it with my husband and friends and not on plurk. Hence the reason why I said ENTIRE situation. I'm sorry I didn't give a play by play of my feelings.
8 years ago
And it's not just about the cops. It's about the violence in general.
8 years ago
We've been plurk friends and incredibly long time, but at just find this situation insulting and juvenile. Anyone that actually knows me knows I'm not just worried about one side of this situation.
8 years ago
I'm sorry you felt the need to insinuate, rather than discuss.
8 years ago
you are calling this insulting and juvenile. You are the one going there. I made and observation without feeling the need to insult you in anyway. Are you able to do that?
8 years ago
what's insulting to me is that the only time you feel the need to use your voice on plurk about this situation is when it's on your doorstep.
8 years ago
everyone wants a change right but no one want's to really talk about it. So be insulted I cannot honestly tell you that I care.
8 years ago
instead of being insulted think about ways we can all speak out.
8 years ago
no they don't because it's sooo uncomfortable.
8 years ago
ColleenDesmoulins: I couldn't agree more! So let's drop it and move on and actually do something off of plurk about it together.
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