Colleen says
8 years ago
Seems there is not much you can do to survive a confrontation with police if you are black. Waiting to see how they will vilify this one in order to justify this latest murder.
latest #132
8 years ago
these most recent two were so bad even the bigots on my local town group are saying the police are at fault here. i hate that this keeps happening...
8 years ago
its truly exhausting
Kianna Noel
8 years ago
Their only argument is that he had a gun. And not even that is enough cause it is legal for him to cary and it was still very much in his pocket
Kianna Noel
8 years ago
There's another
Kianna Noel
8 years ago
Wow ...I'm going to read up .. Sad in itself when you can't even keep up. One after another
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
I just saw this, didn't know there was another death SO fucking soon. This is so infuriating and saddening. you can't even rely on those "sworn to protect" because they're the main ones killing us off. so tired
Kianna Noel
8 years ago
I just watched the video .. My heart just broke in a million pieces .. What is happening :-(
8 years ago
I read Shanna's plurk about it
8 years ago
police brutality against black people is out of control
8 years ago
I don't wanna watch the video as I'm sure its horrible.
Lils says
8 years ago
Every new news story like this I read, it's just... :'-(
Lils says
8 years ago
and then to read months later 9 times out of 10 the cop(s) walk(s) out of it with just a slap on the wrist.
Lils says
8 years ago
yeah that's what I thought of as a slap on the wrist, but I guess you can't even call it that
Lils says
8 years ago
read this the other day and wondering if it was always this bad and phone cameras just brought to light or if the election of the first black president could have factored in Barack Obama presidency: What black America won't mi...
Lils says
8 years ago
Gah, I'm so sorry.
Lils says
8 years ago
that these things are happening ?
Lils says
8 years ago
Lils says
8 years ago
I know, I didn't say I was sorry as in I was apologizing for it.
Lils says
8 years ago
You can also you're sorry that something is happening, because you feel bad for it.
Lils says
8 years ago
well... I'm sorry I said anything then.
Lils says
8 years ago
do I what... ?
8 years ago
LiliB: I feel like it's ok to say sorry because you may not understand exactly what to say in times like these. I get that. I think what MamaShana means is that it's time to move past the guilt and act.
8 years ago
and my act I mean take steps as little as they may seem so that we can all fight this. Little steps like talking to other people of your race to let them know exactly how you feel about this. Making sure you
Lils says
8 years ago
MamaShana: I don't know how it got hostile like this but you shouldn't make assumptions about me as where I am I have lived with racism all my life too.
8 years ago
speak up on any acts of injustices you might come across. Research for yourself and talk to other people
8 years ago
LiliB: please understand no one is trying to be hostile or even angry are at you. We are angry yes but it's not about you . don't take it personally. We are angry because we are raising black sons and there is
8 years ago
a war and the targets are our sons and brothers and even us.
8 years ago
I would like my white friends to acknowledge that white privilege does exist and if they stand with me they can use that white privilege to help fight.
Lils says
8 years ago
I know, and all I wanted to say is, I'm seeing this from where I am, and I'm not indifferent. And I know this problem is surrounded by a lot of indifference. I mean, this is the only plurk I've seen about this.
Lils says
8 years ago
it's like nobody cares and even if I'm not Black or American, as a human being, it pains me.
Lils says
8 years ago
from where I am, there isn't really anything I can do to help, and I wasn't trying to help by saying "I'm sorry". At that point, I just didn't know what to say.
Lils says
8 years ago
well it seemed like you resented my saying "I'm sorry" and I just felt like I did something offensive I didn't mean to.
Lils says
8 years ago
I'm just sorry at the state of the world.
Lils says
8 years ago
Yes I understand that then.
Lils says
8 years ago
I've witnessed racism against Arabs in my country since I was a teenager. My mother (who is South East Asian) has been saying racist things against them for a long time now.
Lils says
8 years ago
I have protested every time and tried to reason with her for 20 years. The only change I made is when she starts out saying something in front of me, she gives me a glance and stops mid-sentence.
Lils says
8 years ago
Fast-forward 20 years and I have to witness first hand young men in public places proselytizing anti-French hate the very same day of the November attacks.
Lils says
8 years ago
young brown-skinned men who have been treated like second-class citizens all their life are turning on society. And it's a vicious circle that just fuels itself.
Lils says
8 years ago
and I'm concerned that it just seems to be getting worse all over the world, and now Trump, and Brexit. And I'm like, my god. Are they going to go down the same road there too.
Lils says
8 years ago
and there's no one to talk to about this because nobody I know cares.
Lils says
8 years ago
at that point, I just didn't know what to say. I just wish I wasn't being given as much shit for it.
Lils says
8 years ago
I did once!
Lils says
8 years ago
Nobody replied.
Lils says
8 years ago
well, I know, that's why I left it out there.
Lils says
8 years ago
even if it was an embarrassing rant nobody cared about.
8 years ago
and trust me they see it. But the only way to affect any sort of change is speaking about and out constantly. It's time to let go of being uncomfortable . And I am not saying that you personally are u
8 years ago
uncomfortable but I feel like most of plurk is. How can any change come when we cant even acknowledge that there is a problem?
Lils says
8 years ago
yes, that plurk was spot-on, if I got the meaning.
Lils says
8 years ago
these past few days I've been feeling pretty meh about Plurk for the same reason.
Lils says
8 years ago
but I don't like to antagonize people so I can't do things like this. This just now gave me heart palpitations.
Lils says
8 years ago
I didn't mean the speaking up when I see something wrong, I do do that, I mean the calling people out out of the blue like in the last plurk you posted.
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
It's just time for the sympathy and condolences to end, those are the last thing we need. We need a reason for the sympathy and deaths to not exist in the first place, that's not going to get done unless we
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
speak up and start discussing the problem, and doing what we can to fix that problem
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
MamaShana: yesss, I was just thinking about exactly what he was saying too. it always turns defensive "well not all cops are like this... i don't do this". But its your COWORKER doing shit like this
Lils says
8 years ago
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
its sad when this is what pops up first on a generic google search. we allow this to happen by staying "silently content" with the bullshit they continue to pull
❄ annette ❄
8 years ago
i moved from the south to a state where I haven't experienced racism yet, but I'm still scared as hell for the next time I get pulled over for just speeding or failing to signal a right turn
8 years ago
I want to move out of the country. completely
8 years ago
i'm aware dear... i'm not native in the least little bit, i'm just tired
Lils says
8 years ago
although it's hard to think of an equivalent (in terms of how bad it is) in other western developed countries. In contrast, it's not that bad around here.
Lils says
8 years ago
of course, I'm just saying, if did move out of the country, to, say most any country around here, he wouldn't have to fear for his life as much.
Lils says
8 years ago
I'm just saying, yeah you can move here, even if there's racism, it's a lot less likely you'll die of it here.
8 years ago
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