it's "humans lock themselves in their room" week
Characters who are part-human may start asymptomatic, but should be showing some illness by the end of the week.
Don't worry. Being part-human means the severe symptoms shouldn't happen with him.
lapis is gonna kill everyone
shit I forgot that Saiyans could go full monkey it was one of those things that canon sorta forgot about in favor of the super saiyan thing
ren was right. he was a sick little monkey
All of the Saiyans kind of lost that ability because the rampage thing made it dangerous and people either removed their tails or blew up the moon.
Yeah, they can only transform into the giany monkeys if they have their tails
Vegeta's still gonna get kind of feral, though. And suffer hallucinations.
Guess who it is. I'll give you a hint, it's me.
lurking this round and I am losing my shit at Team Fourstar Nappa, bless you
You know, given how it looks like things are gonna go to heck on Thursday, I think I made a good call having Steven call in sick.