...huh. The Bob's Burgers family portrait, eh?
Not the family I expected
I swear if Tarrlok's by the stairs...
Hahahaha, oh man, I hope he is!
ren pushed him down the stairs
shorty killed tall man again
I don't know if I'm more scared about who the body will be or if we're going to learn about Mailbox torture today
We just found a body, we just found a body, we just found a body, we just found a body! Wonder who it's from
...Well, yeah, Soey stays in the kitchen all night. Couldn't be there.
zoey is not waking up to find a dead person slumped over her
Aww, cmon nicks. Find those bods!
Damn it, of all the times to be busy...I wish I had time for the investigation
.... i legit laughed at the control room, although i don't know how much of it is relief that we won't be getting mailbox torture today
It better not be surprise mailbox torture
what mailbox saw next...the results will warm your heart
welcome the world of "do not put lepo in charge of investigations when he's sleep-deprived", hi sokka
Wait mods why'd you delete the Nick at nite club comment?
"[.... Just gonna go over and see who it is. And poke them with his foot.. Because that seems best...]"
Hella impressive feat, Sokka
also my god, the flashbacks to SDR2
what, is Ren duct-taped to a wall with his throat cut
wow, who Ibuki'd that guy
Who dropped the screw in Kel's tuna?
IF REN IS, THEN CAT REALLY WILL BE MAHIRU.... befriending smol asshole and dying in case 2
We just need one more Nick to see the body.
Also, so much for no more of Sokka's friends dying.
"Well, he lasted longer than I expected." -Vegeta, probably
did zoey walk in with a shake
walks in twenty minutes late to a murder with starbucks
she 100% walked in with a shake
... So there's a subject 3 and it doesn't appear to be mailbox, huh?
thanks. he hates everyone but Zoey on the Nick side.
It sounds like Frankie's alive, and that's all that really matters
(Also it appears Mailbox was a part of a resistance? Which is both sad and also I'm proud of my mailbox son)
Wait. Squidward's three, and no announcement. Hmmmmm...
Besides I'm fairly sure in DRRP the 'three people who aren't the killer' doesn't work, instead only being 'three people'
I think even in the games sometimes it was just "three people"
I seem to remember that being a plot-point in one of the SDR2 cases
I could've sworn there was a "culprits don't count" rule. Even in that case, the culprit was in a group of four that found the body.
I can't believe Nappa is the mole
OKAY MOM IS HOME just give her a few minutes to decompress