i agree w/ ya Sam.. he like craves attention all the tim
i know! It sort bugs me. lol
yea, cause he always has to make himslef the center of attetion by saying hes in love and stuff, it annyos me soooo much
lol. exactly! He just needs to live life. I mean, hes a teenager. haha.
like all it says he does is shut himself in his room.. and thats just being stupid..
ur 144 years old u should be out having fun w/ ur friends
i've been very good.. xcept for the fact that i got like 6 or 5 hrs of sleep last night
yuck. thats not good. and im good. :]
thats good! im like over-tired right now, and have been all day ..
i tried to take a nap.. but i ended up txting my friend Sarah
Im sorry. But that just means youll sleep extra good tonight. haha.
yea i no.. im going to bed at like 9 ish... but then i'm getting up early to take a longer shower..
the one i had today was only like 5 mins
guess when our first game is
on the 7th... which is next week
Oh my god. Im nervous. haha.
i no.. i dont wanna screw up.. but noing me and softball.. ima mess up
haha. yep. same here. but its okay...im pretty sure everyone on the team will screw up at some point.
well.. im gunna go so i can get to bed earely and get some sleep! luvs ya!