how's the first person view so far? XD
basically no one wants to lead the country at all now XDDDD
there's not even an opposition government at this point XD
80% of the opposition party right now has just quit over the weekend
and the main conservative party responsible for all this mess is split into like 3-4 different factions~
meanwhile EU is getting super impatient with the UK~
you see, Nigel Farange, the most prominent person leading the Leave campaign in the UK, has been representing the UK (as 1 of 73 MEPs from UK) in the European Parliament since 2009
and he's been talking trash about the EU for all that time
and today there is a special EU parliament session and he was there basically gloating and saying "see? I'm right! Who's laughing now~"
and everyone there is just booing him~
and now all of EU is basically telling UK to just start the leaving process already, but the fun fact is that everyone still in power right now in the UK either doesn't want to do it, or is too scared XD
lol omg wut a total mess.. feels like an oh sh!t this is really happening moment and no one has prepared for this turnout
growing insecure with my just purchased gbp now XD
so quick!! XD does sound like that's not rock bottom yet, but an investment is an investment, u just need to hold it long enuf
kwyc: 因為我沒想到網路就可以買了而且我之前就有開外幣帳戶只是我忘了XD, 也不敢買太多
基本上就是大家腦袋空空的投完票之後有個oh shit! moment? XD
better than my brother who thought the brits won't do something so crazy and put money in gbp before the results opened....
deadkiddk: wow XD, i dont get why before, he already planning on investing in gbp expecting tides will rise?
basically if the result is remain then the london market will go up, he thought he should ride this wave
i am only hoping it will go back up its highest point before the drop and im selling
you'll have to wait a while lol
maybe i shouldnt check the rate lately so often is all XD