He has to be actively willing it to happen! His eyes go black and irises glow purple, and his fingres are surrounded by little purple glowy bits.
It's also a one and done thing. Like he can lay claim to the first bad event that happens to you, but if stuff happens after that, it's just your own bad luck.
Okay, just wondering if Takuto being unusually lucky to not have fallen down or had the wind gust flower petals in his eyes or something already.
Takuto's power is pretty much constantly activated, fyi. He's the kind of kid that can't control shit like that until he learns to meditate or something.
Nah, constantly causing bad luck to happen around him would get really old, really fast. Ain't nobody wanna deal with that.
He has to want to do it, and he has to have hand to body contact. People trying to swat his hand away totes counts, though.
Hand to body contact, lol, that makes the pair of them even weirder together.
One will fuck up your day, the other will just fuck you
>black eyes, glowing purple irises
wth sonic stop cramping add's style!!!
now his party trick isn't as cool... sniffs...
Technically, Sonic has been doing the black eyes and purple irises for like
it is if they can do it in sync
So, sorry Add. All I did was take what is probably just a stylistic design choice, and gave it an actual purpose