Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
I don't understand my brain. Sometimes I get turned on by things that have nothing to do with sex. Like peeling vegetables. And shovels. Not the people doing stuff with these things...just the things.
latest #8
8 years ago
8 years ago
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
Hopefully others experience this and I am not alone.
Toxic Trash
8 years ago
Apparently there's a thing that if you're bored you get horny, I can get horny in boring meetings or when I got nothing better to do.
8 years ago
Zekkiel Zerundi
8 years ago
It's not really boredom... I don't know how to explain it. Ah well.
VonBrat says
8 years ago
Old books are mine...something about the sound the pages make when turning and the smell? Has nothing to do with who is paging through the book
8 years ago
I think the keywords here are Understand and Brain. We are very far from understanding the workings of the brain.
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