Planning for tomorrow done. Now for the grading...
latest #8
How's the grading going? Do you have a plan for getting back on schedule?
Plan? Work straight through until it is done. I'm almost there...
I meant a plan for waking up on time. I'm guessing you may have slept in and stayed up late all week.
Ah... not really. I just get up when I need to tomorrow, trudge through the day and grad school. I'll be back to "normal" after a few days.
Speaking of grad school.....did you get your grade from last term? Better than expected?
I ended up with a B. Bleah, but better than I thought.
Nothing wrong with a B - very respectable. You'll do better this term. Sounds like you might have a better instructor.
Yep. And hopefully I can be a bit more focused. Hopefully.
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