8 years ago
who even still goes here (me, sort of)
latest #27
8 years ago
look at this monstrosity the scrying workshop threw at me, i love it
8 years ago
and i have like thirty fucking babies rn
8 years ago
just gonna show off the ones w new colors
8 years ago
lapis/gold/yellow!! lapis is maybe my favorite fucking thing, ever
8 years ago
... might honestly keep that boy
8 years ago
lapis w yellows and oranges is amazing
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
thicket/green/leaf, thicket is gorgeous
8 years ago
bunch more in my lair, anything unnamed is up for grabs except the gent in the scarf on the front page
8 years ago
he's sticking around to stud
8 years ago
quietly shuffles lapis boy to front too
8 years ago
maybe i'll breed deidre and roarke for a mate for the lapis boy before i sell them
8 years ago
bumps this since it's daylight now
8 years ago
there are a few named dragons at the end of the lair that i'm getting rid of, too
The Fool
8 years ago
oh wow lapis
8 years ago
i'll probably throw them all on the ah at regular price again but if they don't sell i'm gonna just pitch 'em all for cheap and let someone use them for exalt fodder
8 years ago
8 years ago
lapis is gorgeous in crystal
8 years ago
also this time at the scrying workshop...
8 years ago
returns with more babies
8 years ago
white/twilight/aqua, i always mistake twilight for storm
8 years ago
white/abyss/aqua, love abyss
8 years ago
white/mint/aqua is cute
8 years ago
antique/gold/sanddollar, antique is best white tbh
8 years ago
and two antique/crim/gold irishimbelly babies that i'm probably going to exalt bc i'm sure i've distributed enough failures from this pair already
8 years ago
tho maybe they'll sell, with antique primaries
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