8 years ago
Hey creative peoples. A friend is looking for a logo designer/graphic artist for an SL project. I don't know too many details but she runs an adult sim so odds are it will not be a PG project.
latest #7
8 years ago
If you might be interested drop me a PP or whatever and I can find out more or put you in contact with her!
8 years ago
liquidhell does these sorts of things
8 years ago
Thanks Rors! I... have no idea what Liq's SL is, the comissioner is not on Plurk so they'd need to discuss it in world. Liq, if you are taking comissions of a kinky adult nature, plz to PP?
8 years ago
oh... liquidh3ll carter in SL
8 years ago
Hello, I literally just saw this, I'm sorry, I'm a shitty plurker.
8 years ago
yay there he is
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