8 years ago
Think I'm allergic to my bed or somethings near my bed. Been waking up with a watery nose everyday for the past two week. Allergic to my bed would be terrible,
latest #25
8 years ago
bed bugs?! =O .. time to wash and sun bath the bed sheet!
8 years ago
8 years ago
welcome to my life.. XDD even having fresh sheets every few days didn't help~ 不過好處是這樣比較不能賴床....(?
8 years ago
也有可能是塵蟎, 因為他喜歡住在床墊裡...
8 years ago
buy a dyson and suck up all that 塵蟎XD....
8 years ago
mr_eden: but then I'll have no one to wake me up in the morning (好噁XDD
8 years ago
v_vlll: 原本想找塵蟎的美照來貼,google了之後看圖半晌....還是算了,沒想到妳這麼重口味阿
8 years ago
imagine hundreds and thousands of 塵蟎 crawling up to u in the morning to say hi XD
touchfish says
8 years ago
v_vlll: you have watery nose after you wake up too? My running nose last from 9 (when i wake up) to noon, then it cured itself.
8 years ago
kwyc: like this?? XDDD 在我腦海中被萌化的畫面~~ mr_eden 我不要看真實的!!!
Puppy Swarms
8 years ago
touchfish: same here~ only for the first 15 mins after I wake up, but when I go to bed at night it's fine.. 可能那時塵蟎也睡了 可以不要一直cue塵蟎嗎!!
touchfish says
8 years ago
why's mine lasting 2 Hours+ @ @
8 years ago
v_vlll: haha or this depict well too
8 years ago
8 years ago
kwyc: wait... is that socially awkward dog depicting me or one of the 塵蟎s XD
8 years ago
touchfish: did you happen to carry some of the unfortunate ones to work with you? hahahah XD jk allergy symptoms differ from person to person la~
touchfish says
8 years ago
2 weeks ago i was perfectly fine though... time to try wash the bed sheet and expose it to whatever strong sun i can get over the weekend
8 years ago
touchfish: "expose it to whatever strong sun i can get" <= reminds me of owen's helmet in popstar XD
8 years ago
v_vlll: yap and while 塵蟎s happily dancing around u~~ should join them haha
8 years ago
My allergies have been terrible this week as well... this happens everytime I move for work T_T (except for Houston which has no plants
8 years ago
基本每天一早從床上坐起來時 it's gonna be like a waterfall from my nose to my mouth :-(
8 years ago
^ okay that was a pretty graphic description, need dogs to cute it up again XD
Hilarious Doberman Loves To Ride Water Slide
8 years ago
orrrrrr it's just hay fever...??
8 years ago
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