8 years ago
[Meme] how sagittarius am i?
latest #15
8 years ago
Does a meme for the first time ever everyone loses their minds
8 years ago
Also like pulls up a chair for diamonbe my sag buddy
8 years ago
Ive never thought i match sag at all, when they tried to bring in that extra star sign the opichus or w/e i fell under the potentional dates for that and i was like fINally an explaination.
8 years ago
But anyway sag is like, spotanious! Adventure! Always travelling and being wild!!!!
8 years ago
Which, like i joke about being the shounen protag but im not.
8 years ago
On the flipside thou sag is also often characterised as brash and careless and a bit like...un-empathtic
8 years ago
Which like if theres one thing i do belive about myself its that im goodish at being caring
8 years ago
"Sagittarians are the most animated sign of the zodiac chart. They are always teeming with activities."
8 years ago
Pisses myself laughing are you havin a giggle mate
8 years ago
Although if i had more energy maybe i would? Who knows
✧ wallace ✧
8 years ago
were the most spontaneous
8 years ago
macaronic tbh i guess maybe thats under carelessness rather than yolo?
8 years ago
diamonbe maybe its like...in a alternate reality in which nethier of us have an health issues you and me are up a mountain right now
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