8 years ago
What I was working on last week, you can get at TLC Second Life Maps | Remarkable and this early for Lazy Sunday: Second Life Maps | Dysfunctionality
latest #6
8 years ago
You should be able to find the door somewhere in the mainstore it was on offer for 25L Tues, if you're lucky it still is! Second Life Maps | Dysfunctionality
8 years ago
Aaaand if you like matching things, theres a free rug in the free Dysfunctionality inworld group :-D
8 years ago
faithrekt: Thank you dear <3
★FrostyFaith★ says
8 years ago
you are most welcome <3 your work speaks for itself its such a pleasure to share it!! :-)
★FrostyFaith★ says
8 years ago
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