god is the dice
8 years ago
Have officially reached NO FUCKS GIVEN at work and it feels so good. Being out of here in a week is so liberating.
latest #7
god is the dice
8 years ago
I took my shoes off as soon as I got in and haven't put them back on since, even when I'm going to the copier.
god is the dice
8 years ago
Have New Politics playing on my phone and I'm singing and dancing along with "Harlem".
god is the dice
8 years ago
Flirting shamelessly with the cute IT guy from central office as we banter about my tree killing habits.
god is the dice
8 years ago
Best day of work here EVER tbqh.
Ninja Pixy
8 years ago
Rofl I Love you. This is a brilliant way to wind up your work.
8 years ago
Lmao omg
god is the dice
8 years ago
I'm going to be pretty much alone on my row of cubes for the last week, since Jenna's last day was yesterday and Joe' is on vacation next week... so I'm pretty much planning the same for every day of it.
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