why were they denied their paychecks??? goes to google
i don't get it. we are one of the richest countries in the world yet we can't budget properly and make education a priority? Obviously we need BETTER educated people. this country sometimes.......
Lemme get an article, it was due to stupid-ass budgets and shit
also her rent went up 100 bucks due to gentrification
honestly i don't think any teacher should be allowed to be evicted...and they can't really evict just after being late one month
and she COULD fight this and would most likely win
I'm assuming it's also due to paychecks but teachers already did strikes for this, so... it was a bit of a strike, too
i know people need to make money (landlords) but there should be some understanding here
Her rent went up at the same time. Shitty timing.
i mean i can understand if it were a few months behind but one?
Right. But some, including mine, go to court after one month behind
They'll just kick you out
i'd fight it, and be like TAKE ME TO COURT BITCHES
put more spotlight on the problem
I'm putting pieces together here, BUT I know there was a strike, I also know she tweeted her rent went up about the same time, so I'm putting 2 and 2 together
But this woman cheered me on through every failure in comics I had due to outside influences.
She's also a dedicated local poet on top of raising her daughter to read comics about strong women. She's a hell of a person.
I can't stand to see her go through this.
what's sad is that it's NOT an isolated case. I live in AZ which is ranked 50 on terms of education funds out of 50 states
seriously though something needs to be done on a federal level regarding the educational crisis we are having nation wide
like a mandatory percentage of a state's budget should go towards education
Stories like these make me so thankful I live in Vancouver where we have really strong renters rights. Apparently things were super appalling here before the renters rights came into place.
yeah Oregon has REALLY strong rental rights too
in fact in some cases really detrimental to the landlord. We had one of our roommates girlfriend stay over and was wrecking havoc. We weren't allowed to kick her out b/c she had BELONGINGS with her
so it became her residence.
then they decided to be further douchebags and refused to pay rent. We couldn't do ANYTHING to them, had to evict them. This was with a ROOMMATE situation
they weren't on the lease or anything
Ugh. I know our landlord had a hell of a time evicting the previous tenant. She was finally able to get him out when he was arrested for dealing drugs beside the building.
so while it's good on the one hand when seriously fucked up things happen, it is also a hindrance too
I know Whitney's living near the riverfront sooooo.
Previously the apartment's street was filled with druggies, so it wasn't as high in rent, but I knew that would change.
I think it is all about striking the right balance. A lot of places don't have any balance at all.
Yeah riverfront property.
I knew this from the last time she came over, anyway
see another thing that pisses me off is that we renters have to give EVERYTHING about our backgrounds to the potential landlords but they don't ahve to prove ANYTHIGN on their end.
Maybe she moved but... I didn't know of it. I only know of her generousity
There's also super fucking high deposits here to rent somewhere new.
i really hope it gets resolved quickly for her and for all the teachers cause that's so fucked up
I doubt it. I knew one of the top guys from the previous power exchange.. he liked to fuck around and not pay attention to his job
While pretending he was a faithful married dude and dedicated safety person
This is why I have such contempt for these upper class people here. They make so much money.. it's all about image with them. No shit about who gets the shaft, who gets endangered. Look at Flint.
The thing about Flint is that Flint is America. This shit is happening everywhere. Flint is just one place where a spotlight was shown on all the horrible crap going on everywhere in the country.
We gotta resolve our class differences soon then, or else we won't be in for good times coming up
And, it is only getting worse. Anyone who denies it is either on top or has their head in the sand.