This headache isn't responding to meds, food, drink, sleep, barometric pressure OR caffeine intake. I guess this is just my life now?!
latest #17
i get jaw pressure related headaches sometimes and none of the above help me either :c
Can that happen without any actual pain in my teeth..?
or at least it did for me, i thought they were pressure headaches for the longest time
Ugh, then that's probably it. My teeth are so fucked.
;;; are you cavity prone?
if so try gargling (DON'T SWALLOW) hydrogen peroxide. it helps
it tastes god damn awful though
but if it's just general teeth malalignment then... you'll just have to wait the awful out
Yeah through NHS fuckery (which admittedly is at its core my mum's fault) I haven't been to a dentist since I was 15 so my mouth is cavity city...
i'm going to go with that's almost definitely a contributing factor to your headache.
i mean i could definitely be wrong, but that was my experience for years ;;
and it stopped once i got my teeth stuff dealt with
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