no more salsa
8 years ago
[Meme] Ask me questions about character mannerisms. It's been a while since I last tried to make sense of my girls (and Kevin). Now seems as good a time as any!
latest #22
8 years ago
Winter, 2, 7, and 8
no more salsa
8 years ago
Yui, 2: To a certain extent, while less than Haruka, Yui imprints on the picture books she so adores. Good manners, polite, she's fairly nice in general.
no more salsa
8 years ago
But she does tend to be somewhat casual with classmates and friends, but formal with adults and strangers.
no more salsa
8 years ago
That falls apart when she's worried or angry, though.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Yui, 3: Absolutely gets out of other people's way, with apologies. Except when on a rampage, when she goes right through people.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Winter, 2: She's become gradually less polite to people in general over time, that's for sure. She doesn't inherently mind being a good and proper girl, but it's gotten hard.
no more salsa
8 years ago
She's kind to work with until she gets even the slightest hint you're trying to take advantage, then she's prim and abrupt.
no more salsa
8 years ago
She's happy to hold doors and be reasonable, but she's also very cautious these days.
no more salsa
8 years ago
And heaven help you if you have a Cure Diamond hoodie or something.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Winter, 7: Her hands and her eyes. She's very animated when she talks and tends to gesture pretty sharply. Her motions get wilder when she's anxious or angry.
no more salsa
8 years ago
But even when she's shutting you out, her eyes tend to show what she's thinking. When things are going right, they sparkle, and when she's depressed, they're dull.
no more salsa
8 years ago
It's somewhat pronounced, so it's a good judge of her mood. Just try not to set her off, or everyone will know. And it'll get back to you, one way or another.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Summer, for reference, is slightly harder to read but generally follows the same rules.
no more salsa
8 years ago
There's, ah. Also the certain gleam of violence that people familiar with her will pick up on pretty fast.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Winter, 8: The whisper of fabric as her skirt flutters in the wind. Her keys, considering she has three sets.
no more salsa
8 years ago
The quiet buzz of her phone as someone else tries to get a hold of her.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Soft whispers when Lily is around and she's trying not to be too cute in earshot of other people.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Once she's transformed, the click of Diamond's heels, which is something that may transfer to her normal form - I think she's grown to appreciate it more than she lets on.
no more salsa
8 years ago
And, of course, the ring of a tambourine during Diamond Shower.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Winter is in general not really stealthy, but she travels light thanks to the Mirage, and all of her hobbies are quiet things.
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