多爾西回答自己是指揮官,對她來說那段時間是一大考驗,尤其是主席夫婦參觀蘭卡斯特宮(Lancaster House)後,中方官員突然對她說取消接下來的行程。女王對她的艱難任務表示理解,並回說:「他們對我們的大使也非常粗魯。」(They were very rude to the ambassador.)這位大使指的是派駐中國的第一位英國女大使吳百納(Barbara Woodward)。
BBC評論 …that it was a testing time behind the scenes, at least for the police commander and the British ambassador to China. However, that does not mean that overall the trip was not a success.
"But it was a great state visit - everybody agrees, hugely successful - and our relationship with China is very strong and has been greatly strengthened by the success of that visit."