8 years ago
The history buff in me is fascinated
latest #23
8 years ago
8 years ago
it's our turn to be Fascist
8 years ago
and Duterte is a fascinating mix of right and left
8 years ago
if he rehabilitates the Commies and has rapproachment with China, i'm ok with that (puwera Scarborough)
8 years ago
If we are in a fascist turn, it would be the first time a country turned fascist while not in a crisis. We're doing well in fact.
8 years ago
good point, and i credit that to a disgruntled middle class
8 years ago
But why are they disgruntled? They never had it so good.
8 years ago
this middle class you're talking about may be more fragmented now chuck
8 years ago
I don't know Jeg, i can only watch helplessly how after the Napoles scam, and that Luneta PDAF rally, the Middle Class turned Nega and there was no looking back since then
8 years ago
Yes Sparks. The Poe's will make their piece with the Du30 folks. The Yellow Crowd (like me) hate both with a passion, i think.
8 years ago
Should be read as 'peace'
8 years ago
cvj: Methinks the disgruntlement was engineered for 6 years. Not by Duterte people. And all they had to do was engineer it for Metro Manila. Get MManila, you have the whole country.
8 years ago
8 years ago
You know, i don't even think it had to be engineered. If our conversations here in plurk are to go by, it's like we in the Middle Class just went into a funk of negativity by ourselves
8 years ago
Remember #tuwadmgadukha ?
8 years ago
To be clear, i'm not saying it was unprovoked by the Admin
8 years ago
Ah, I thought you were saying any criticism is unjustified. Remember our context is a turn towards strongman rule/fascism. That milieu that made that happen was I believe engineered.
8 years ago
Im thinking Binay. He made no secret of his plans for the presidency unlike Poe, Duts, or Miriam. It was in his best interests to engineer hatred for the admin and it backfired on him when Duts ran.
sparkeh says
8 years ago
The mistakes are real. Possible critics added fuel to fire
8 years ago
Yes they were. But what's interesting is voters thought desperate measures were called for instead of more conventional ones. They voted for Duts bec he promised to keep open the option of authoritarian rule...
8 years ago
... if he doesnt get what he wants.
sparkeh says
8 years ago
We're risk-takers so we probably didn't think much of it
8 years ago
Besides, the previous dictatorship was supposed to be our Golden Age, and look at Singapore!
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