MissMaiJa on
8 years ago
HALP! Baking problem!
latest #112
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it seems that the problems never ends...so i put here the settings and so...after i presee bake...it turns white! what!?WAT!? i can't figure out what is wrong
8 years ago
the only thing I do in Blender is rig but I replurked it for ya <3
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
thanks sweetie! <3
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
I usualy bake in cycles - but i see that you have the "selected to active" butten enabled. Are you baking from a source model to another model? Because if you do not, the button makes no sense...
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
usually you activate it if you bake a normal map or an AO map from a high poly to a low poly model
8 years ago
She has the skin texture made and is trying to bake it to the head but it turns white. She has two objects going on a head and eyes that each have their own uvs with their own textures shes made from those uvs
8 years ago
so shes trying to bake those textures she made to the model
8 years ago
(if I am explaining it right)
8 years ago
she like painted on the uv in ps and is trying to bring it back in
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
PixieRuby: yeah, but not baking from one model TO another model. selected to active does the white thing when only one thing is selected with it enabled.
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(so untick that box and it may work!)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
or...wait. she's trying to bake the texture onto another object? maybe she does need selected to active. the texture needs to be functional on one object, selected first, then shift select the object baking
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
the texture on to ?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(but she might be baking it from a texture in a material instead? in which case, no selected to active)
8 years ago
shes trying to bake it onto the head..
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
PixieRuby: yes, but from where?
8 years ago
It looks like there could be a circular texture error, are you baking with cycles or internal?
8 years ago
Allegory I am so not sure..
8 years ago
You might do better with using two UV maps and texture projection to get the texture you have, baked onto the mesh of your creation.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i'm uysing blender render not cycles
8 years ago
How is your texture set up to bake? Is it just assigned as a texture on a material?
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
MissMaiJa: yeah - but you have enabled "selected to active" in your bake Panel. uncheck it and see if it works then
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
doesn't work
8 years ago
MissMaiJa: This method may help: So you see how I have my strawberries all nice, and a load of fun things on? That's all baked with a texture I made outside of Blender. https://i.imgur.com/WkJfNcZ.png
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it's uh............i uploaded it i the uv/imge editor. i also set it as a texture. at one point i had it on the material too but that didn't help. nether did setting it as a texture..or just having it in uv..
8 years ago
yes i made the texture outside blender too. did you bake it in some other program too?
8 years ago
You can see that there are Two UV maps, one has a camera highlighted next to it. What I do is I bake my textures from an alternate UV map onto my main UV
8 years ago
https://i.imgur.com/K2QVZUT.png my UV map for what I want my texture to look like on, and https://i.imgur.com/OkEEsE7.png my baked texture UV map
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
8 years ago
What you need to do is after you've UV'd your model, make another UV map, and then open up your texture for the face in the image window in Blender, and ensure it's all lined up etc
8 years ago
Make sure the camera is highlighted next the the UV you're baking from and then select the UV map you're baking to
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
there's a camera next to the uv?
8 years ago
Yes, if you look at my screenshots, you'll see the UV maps in the UV list, with little camera icons.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i dunno how to make the camrea to go there.
8 years ago
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
the camera doesn't wanna be my friend.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
oh that's how you befriend a camera
8 years ago
the camera is active so they're already my friend right?
8 years ago
i believe i'm losing my marbles.
8 years ago
I can't explain better than I have I'm afraid, I did write out exactly what to do above.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it's like you have right?
8 years ago
Yep! Now make sure that the UV map with your own texture is the one with the highlighted camera icon, you can make it active by clicking on the camera icon.
8 years ago
Then you can try a bake and see if that works. If it doesn', or theres an error, see if clicking on the inactive UV map so you can see progess helps
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it did a black face. i believe that's racist.
8 years ago
step 1. create final UV.
8 years ago
MissMaiJa: Make sure you have lights in your scene
8 years ago
And that your faces are pointing outwards
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
no matter which one i selected this happens. at least it's soething new.
8 years ago
what does your UV map look like on your active UV
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
bake textures, not full render. under the bake button, that Full Render is a dropdown, select Textures instead.
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(because lights aren't something you need to figure out yet)
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
well that turns it white again
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
make sure the texture you are baking FROM and the texture you are baking TO are two different images.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
see that part makes no sense to me. like i'm doing my very best. but i dunno what that means
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(and yeah, i figured it would turn it white, that grey/black there with a light was saying that it wasn't reading the texture info, however it's not doing it)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
edit the object, select the UV for the ps pretty file. then select the _other_ UV there (with the camera!) and add a new image.
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
Image>New Image in the UV panel menu
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it turns white
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
is png the wrong file format for the image?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
ong's fine
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(it's not optimal for SL, tga's better because pngs can have transparency issues, but they are a-ok for blender)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
oh, i think cyclic may have dropped a step with the material to transfer over? i think you still need to do that. (unless it does that automatically now? i've never tried it, used to the extra step)
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i uh..shit. i don't know what you're referring to here. i've used this program for a week :-D
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
do you mean cycles render?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
yeah, it's sort of complicated and you've already added the material maybe? but maybe not with the right settings all the way?
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
that's very likely :-D
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
nah, blender render. it's sort of confusing so trying to think through the steps and explain it less confusing, ha
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
click the checkerboard icon next to the circle icon in the toolbar. it looks like you already have the face image loaded in there?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
if you do, scroll down to the Mapping section. set the coordinates downdown to UV and choose the UV map that you have mapped with the face on Map. make sure you have the other UV actively selected before
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
you bake.
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(this texture needs to be attached to the material you have active on the object, fingers crossed it already is)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
you sort of skipped to a complicated thing for one of your early learning things, ha
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
there's no such option
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
ok, yeah. your image isn't attached to the right thing/the right way. which i have only run into in cases where i've done weird shit intentionally, so i'm not sure what exactly the issue is, is the material
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
on the object selected in the panel before?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(because things show up in there that aren't just attached to the object, depending on what you have selected/what order you select things in)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
it should (eventually) look something like this.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
OH. NODES. that's your problem.
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
those are useful for things and entirely screwing your shit up.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
fucking nodes! i shall destroy them. puny nodes
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
yeah, that needs to be off for this (or not technically HAS to, but it's what's getting in your way right now)
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
what is our battle strategy on destroying their despicable exostance? we need to show the nodes we are superior to thems
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
i THINK you can just click that little button underneath the list with the box and the curve to the other box to un-node those
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(the little box between your material name Material and the Data dropdown)
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
did we destroy those puny nodes?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
yeah. that second material proooobably doesn't have anything assigned to it so it's probably ok, but in case, you might want to select it and hit the - button under the + button on the side of the list of them
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i prolly sounds rather odd since i'm on sedatives but fuck it
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
(multiple materials on an object- also useful but in this case, keep it simple)
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
but now MAYBE when you have that first material selected it will let you assign the texture to the uv map of your choice.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
so uh i leave it to that and go on to bake?
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
yeah, try baking again, see what happens.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
or do i need to assign something more to that puny thing?
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i shall overpower this pieace of shit.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
it turned white
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
if the texture let you set the mapping to UV, that took care of that issue, at least.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
Allegory sanoo
8 years ago
argh. someone else is going to have to come up with a bright idea then! or you can email me the file and i'll take a look. because at this point i think i've run out of ideas.
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
i added the texture to the texture tab in the toolbar but now it's black again
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
this was at the side of her head now
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
8 years ago
maybe this will help. It's how my default texturing skills work lol Quick steps to basic transfer texturing in Blender
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
thanks i'll check it out"
8 years ago
it worked! the video worked!
8 years ago
MissMaiJa sanoo
8 years ago
also fun fact Ori means stallion in finnish :-D OrianaKuhr
8 years ago
ha ha, that's too funny! And you are most welcome! Glad to help :-)
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