Baron Esper
8 years ago
latest #14
Baron Esper
8 years ago
Mine is Initcan, which is...odd
Baron Esper
8 years ago
alternatively, Initcaz, depending on whether it means first name or full name for the last bit
go тo вread
8 years ago
My last name ahs an odd number of letters
go тo вread
8 years ago
Baron Esper
8 years ago
That sounds even worse than Initcan
quarter trauma
8 years ago
Ayrilek. Not... the worst...?
Baron Esper
8 years ago
Ayrilek sounds pretty alright
8 years ago
Aheegee. Huh...
just lexi.
8 years ago
Iaimkay. ...huh.
Baron Esper
8 years ago
this meme is bullshit
just lexi.
8 years ago
You must now do a better one, it is your destiny.
Baron Esper
8 years ago
just lexi.
8 years ago
quarter trauma
8 years ago
Oh, wait. I misread part of it due to being hung over. It's Aygelek, which is still not the worst but worse than the other one
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