boot likes
8 years ago
buttons. And felt it had to be said.
latest #41
boot will
8 years ago
not acknowledge what you just did.
Lemongrass likes
8 years ago
stationery. But this train has thankfully moved off.
boot needs
8 years ago
a spare brain to cope with Plurklandia, she now recalls.
boot has
8 years ago
One of those. It's best not to speak of it.
boot asks
8 years ago
crusts or no?
boot will
8 years ago
pay that.
Lemongrass thinks
8 years ago
it means concede one's error and pay the price.
8 years ago
buttons have their place, there is no doubt about it.
8 years ago
waves enthusiastically mostlyhermetic . See? Buttons. I guy who does smithing I'm sure understands buttons at a whole new level.
boot thinks
8 years ago
'pay that' just means 'you made that point incredibly well. So, well that I'd have to just agree and/or stop talking.'
8 years ago
Pay that.
8 years ago
My work here is done.
8 years ago
Almost made me use an emoji with that there jolly hockysticks.
boot thinks
8 years ago
it was a CSS hack or something. Wasn't it?
8 years ago
Is blushing. And admiring all the little whoosawhatsits on top of your u.
boot wonders
8 years ago
If that's the same as the key you get in Gauntlet?
boot is
8 years ago
not worthy.
8 years ago
is not worh-C?
boot was
8 years ago
trying for a play on the word 'worthy'. 'Worth-c'. Worth-y see? But she missed the T. So it was even worse, see?
boot wonders
8 years ago
how you feel about press studs?
boot feels
8 years ago
sure that some of the chaps think they are, and some of the non-chaps hope fervently not to be.
boot says
8 years ago
unless they are horses.
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