boot is
8 years ago
sprouting feathers.
latest #19
Lemongrass wonders
8 years ago
if you'll take flight like a winged dinosaur.
8 years ago
or a boot on the heels of Mercury
boot likes
8 years ago
chickens, so that's okay by her.
boot needs
8 years ago
A drum kit. For the tish boom.
boot feels
8 years ago
this is highly questionable. But then so are butterflies, so that's okay.
boot likes
8 years ago
moths more. Far more trustworthy.
boot thinks
8 years ago
magpies would agree, but can not verify firsthand.
boot likes
8 years ago
them all the same. They seem thoughtful. I like a thoughtful bird.
boot thinks
8 years ago
about it. Okay. So , all birds.
boot feels
8 years ago
you are somewhat of a magpie maligner. They look very thoughtful as they consider the best way to steal, stab, or kill.
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