8 years ago
latest #234
8 years ago
8 years ago
THIS IS LIKE-- how things progress
8 years ago
Super slow
8 years ago
She's like
8 years ago
okay you can take my shirt off but that's it!
8 years ago
Nothing else!
8 years ago
lol. yessss.
8 years ago
first time she makes him leave her bra alone. xD
8 years ago
First fifty times.
8 years ago
ha! kind of reminds me of a fic i read. they played strip gin rummy.
8 years ago
and apparently pepper is good at it so tony was getting all miffed and he turned the heat up to make her take her clothes off xD or something
8 years ago
LOL. Poor boy.
8 years ago
He wouldn't mind though...
8 years ago
In fact, after that first night - I bet he'd be really good about it.
8 years ago
No pressure, he wouldn't even ask. Probably drive her up the wall. xD
8 years ago
one day she'd be like
8 years ago
are you feeling ok?
8 years ago
Yeah, why?
8 years ago
i... was just asking. ( lol, so awkward. how to bring up. )
8 years ago
[This TV show is awesome too, okay. Let him pull you in a bit closer there, Pep.] I'm good. Really good.
8 years ago
( she appreciates the contact. really. she's kind of starving for it and usually he's the one that starts something. now who's the addict, pep. ) a- alright. if you... say so...
8 years ago
[Okay. Something isn't right. Just after an awesome action scene he turns to look at her, arching an eyebrow.] Are you okay?
8 years ago
me? ( oh god he knows. ) i'm fine. ( she forces a chuckle. ) really. ( a nod follows, because don't think anything of her odd behavior. everything is a-ok. she does scoot closer though )
8 years ago
[Scoot all you like, Pepper. You're a book - and he can read.] Alright, come on. There's something wrong. What'd I do this time?
8 years ago
( and the award for worst liar ever goes to.. ) you didn't do anything. ( and that's the problem. ) do you think we could do a little something tonight... ( she's not looking at him, nope. she's too emabrrased)
8 years ago
I need to get that in writing. [He's grinning, but she's not looking so - it's wasted. Sort of.] Wanna go for a ride? [He's thinking flying, with the suit. Get your mind out of the gutter.]
8 years ago
( she might not be looking but she also cracks a smile. ) w- what. ( her mind is totes in the gutter. wth tony. she looks at him, completely red. ) i, ah... what.
8 years ago
[What. Is. Going. On.] Well, I've got this flying suit, right?
8 years ago
( she is a mess rn. sorry. ) oh. the suit. ( her cheeks only darken in color. get a hold of yourself, potts. ) we can do that. i think i need the fresh air besides.
8 years ago
[This is not okay.] What were you thinking of? [He really needs to know, now.] Jarvis, can we pause this? [It happens and he turns to look at her, arm slung over the back of the couch.]
8 years ago
... ( this is bad. this is real bad. she shakes her head and moves from the couch. if she doesn't say anything she's not necessarily lying. if she's not lying she can't be caught lying. )
8 years ago
[...! This has to be serious. He's up, and after her.] Did someone hurt you?
8 years ago
( oh no. now she's got him worrying. ) no, not at all. ( she turns around, setting her back against the door. she really needs that fresh air. ) im fine. nobody's hurt me.
8 years ago
[Y e p well done, Pepper.] Right... Okay. [Without a second thought he moves to open the door, stepping back against the door to let her out onto the balcony.] So, what's wrong?
8 years ago
( ... ) i know i said i wanted to take things slow, but maybe not... this slow? ( it's kind of hard going from that to this. )
8 years ago
[... Oh. He can't help but laugh, although it's more like a chuckle and he wanders past her, reaching out to grab the railings.] Right. Slow, but not slow.
8 years ago
i know you're not trying to step on my toes and i appreciate that. but i feel like having said something ( about going slow ) has made us both miserable.
8 years ago
[He lets out another sigh, but reaches out for her, offering a smile.] I just don't want to do something you'll regret.
8 years ago
i didn't regret what we did. i just... didn't expect it. i thought i had more control, but i... i don't. at least not around you. ( she moves closer. )
8 years ago
[He can't help but grin at that, ducking his head slightly to hide the expression.] Pepper Potts, out of control. Who'd have thought?
8 years ago
( he is going to get a little shove. ) and it's all tony stark's fault. nobody's surprised.
8 years ago
Not even you. [He lets her shove, not that there's far for him to go so it's more like she's pushing herself away actually, except he can reach her hip from here, and attempt to pull her against him.]
8 years ago
Tell me. If you want to stop?
8 years ago
not even me. ( she smiles and turns as he pulls her back over. she sets her hands on his shoulder and leans up to plant a kiss to the corner of his lips. ) i will. ( do my best. )
8 years ago
Glad to hear it. [That's a kiss he leans into, but doesn't return, not until he's had a moment to really look at her, offer a smile and ply her with a full kiss.]
8 years ago
now how about we go back inside, mm. ( she licks her lips and as she starts to move away she catches his wrist and gives a tug. )
8 years ago
[Wow. Yeah, he likes Pepper when she's forward. He drops into step behind her, and takes a risk in slipping his other hand around her waist, pulling her up against him and pressing a kiss to her cheek.]
8 years ago
( she leans into him and smiles at the kiss. turns her head and gives him one too. as they get inside she moves to his front, still keeping close, as she leads him to the couch. falls onto it,
8 years ago
tugging him down atop her )
8 years ago
[Tony is more than happy to let her guide him, even though he holds himself up to prevent lasting damage as he falls on top of her, it's close enough that he can lean in for a kiss.] Comfortable?
8 years ago
( a nod. ) very. ( she takes his cheek in hand and leans up to give him another kiss. ) i missed being this close to you.
8 years ago
[A chuckle. Just as he leans down for her kiss.] Yeah. Me too. [It's why he's shuffling closer, and sliding a hand up to tuck some hair behind her ear. Following it with a kiss.]
8 years ago
( she loves to hate the effect he's got on. she shouldn't feel much when he tucks her hair behind her hear, but the gesture, itself, is so sweet. she loves this side of him. she returns the kiss, hand moving
8 years ago
to grasp his shoulder as she tugs him closer. ) missed you. ( not like he'd gone anywhere, but, still, things felt different before. )
8 years ago
[It wasn't easy, trying to hold on to the one person in his life he needed without pushing her away or ruining things forever.] Sorry. [Here, be kissed. Forgive him?"
8 years ago
( she hadn't realized, at least at first, that she had been driving them apart. she thought this would help, but he wasn't being himself and she was just being paranoid. he'd never do something she didn't
8 years ago
want. she just had to trust him. ) don't apologize. ( he didn't do anything wrong. )
8 years ago
I need that in writing, too. [A chuckle, against the side of her mouth, and another kiss - he likes those. He likes threading his fingers in her hair too and-- kinda twirling it on his fingers.]
8 years ago
i don't think so. ( she snickers. she likes them too. it's the reason she doesn't want to stop and, well, she doesn't. she showers him in kiss, assaulting his neck and sucking on his pulse point afterwards )
8 years ago
[Oh, that's good - really good. Dangerous, but good. He fingertips press lightly against the side of Pepper's face, sliding down it until he's just had too much and had to move for another kiss.]
8 years ago
( she kisses him back, but she's a bit breathless at the moment. he gets a lopsided smile from her. ) I love your kisses.
8 years ago
[That has him chuckling, and he leans up, enough to catch both her cheeks in his hands, thumbs brushing gently across her skin.] Better have more then.
8 years ago
please. ( she can't get enough of them, of him, and she'd gladly take more. ) I'll take all you're willing to give.
8 years ago
Yeah, say that in ten minutes. [His lips quirk as he says it, and he leans in kissing her gently, slowly - light enough to almost not be there.]
8 years ago
Now you're just being mean. ( a tease as she simpers. so close and yet so far. she leans in the rest of the way, kissing him a bit harder than intended )
8 years ago
Think you like it. [Only think. Honestly, he's not entirely sure. If it provokes those much more intense kisses though, he'll keep it up.]
8 years ago
( she doesn't mind it. she kind of likes being teased and strung along, herself. she huffs, sinking down a bit so she can, instead, kiss his neck )
8 years ago
[She keeps moving-- not that he should be bothered but it does things to him. He'll just shift to help her on her way, too...]
8 years ago
( she can't help it. he does things to her too. she is going to set a hand to his chest and give him a push, but only so she can flip them over. guess who's on top now )
8 years ago
[His couch seriously isn't big enough for thisbut he is not complaining. Only giving her that look when he gets excited about something.] Careful--
8 years ago
I... I know. ( she is going to be good. But is he. she smiles down at him as she splays her hands over his chest. )
8 years ago
[He lets out a soft sigh, and shifts until his hands are limp across his stomach, eyes focused on her face.] What're you thinking?
8 years ago
( she sets a hand atop both of his and smiles. ) making me out to be the devilish one, hn? I wasn't thinking anything.
8 years ago
[He shakes his head a little, shifting a hand to take hers and pull it to his mouth for a kiss.] We both know you're the devilish one.
8 years ago
Me! ( she tries to sound offended. ) I am not. ( she leans down to lay on him. ) if I am, it's because I learned from you.
8 years ago
Then you learned from the best. [He's chuckling, and slipping his arms around her - but being terribly touchy about it. Sorry, not sorry.] This is nice.
8 years ago
( don't make her squirm, because she will. she's sorely tempted to. she feathers a few kisses on his chin. ) it is.
8 years ago
[He doesn't mean it. It's just too difficult to resist slipping his hands over her curves. She's easy to touch. Ah, and those kisses are ticklish.]
8 years ago
( she can't help moving so much. She can't get enough of his touch and try as she might to resist... she can't. she chuckles, because not going to stop! )
8 years ago
[A hum, and he reaches down her back, tugging her shirt down further, and smoothing it flat with both his hands, he might just tip his head too, see if she won't kiss him somewhere else.]
8 years ago
( as soon as he tips his head she has more access to, well, everywhere, so he can bet that she's going to take advantage. ) why are you so addictive?
8 years ago
[Hm, that's the spot. Let him slip his arms around her tighter, pulling her closer.] Just so damn hot.
8 years ago
( she shuts her eyes and bites back a moan, because, ok, this is def. getting a bit dangerous. she stills, trying to keep from wriggling against him, because that is not going to help. ) t- tony.
8 years ago
[Okay, okay. He's easing up, with a chuckle, and a not-so-subtle shift of his hips so she isn't pressed so wonderful against his crotch.] Come back up here, let me kiss you.
8 years ago
( she bites her lip and tries not to pant as she shift to move away from her. a simper escapes her and she can't help it because now theres a loss of heat. )
8 years ago
y- yes, kiss me. ( she presses a kiss to the corner of his lips, missing her mark. ) mm.
8 years ago
[He can't help but laugh at that, soft - because he shouldn't be amused at her struggles, he shares them. Instead he kisses her properly, slipping a hand up her back and into her hair to hold her close.]
8 years ago
n- not funny. ( and she is not amused. she is doing her best to keep control of the situation, because she doesn't want to lose it and end up getting stuck in the same sitch as last time. )
8 years ago
t- tony. ( she whines, shivering as he kisses her )
8 years ago
It is pretty funny though, Pepper. [His hands slip back down, even as he offers up another kiss, before finally turning his head so he can keep his lips against her cheek.]
8 years ago
( she shakes her head, insistent. ) you are the worst. ( she doesn't mean that, and he can prob. tell even as she smiles when he gives her another kiss. she moves a hand to cradle the back of his head. ) mm.
8 years ago
By that you mean the best, right? [He's grinning, and leaning into the touch, fingers still loose around her waist, mostly out of fear. Getting carried away is too easy.]
8 years ago
( as much as she'd like to tell him no, she can't, so she'll just nod and reward him with a kiss. she appreciates his letting up. a sigh follows, and she shuts her eyes, glad for the moment of reprieve. )
8 years ago
[A grin, because the fact she didn't deny it means it must be true. He wears it as he reaches up to coax her to lay down against him, tucking her head under his chin.] Put the film back on?
8 years ago
( and it's def. true. she smiles and lays atop him, her arms winding around his middle as she cuddles close. ) i don't even remember what we were watching. jarvis... ( she doesn't want to move. she squeezeshim)
8 years ago
I think you were distracted, Pep. [Yeah. More attitude. Sue him. Actually, don't. Just-- he'll give you some money?] J, hit it. [Hey look. It worked.]
8 years ago
yeah, well, i can't be blamed for that. look who i had distracting me. ( she gently nudges him with her head. ) you're more interesting than any move anyway
8 years ago
[He's laughing again. You do that to him.] You're not distracted by me at work. What's that about?
8 years ago
at work we're not usually laying on top of each other and making out. i'd say that warrants a pretty big distraction. ( she rolls her eyes and nips at his neck. )
8 years ago
[Ah. Pepper. Seriously. He just stopped you doing that. He rewards her with a squeeze, and tugs her shirt back down against where his hands made it ride up.]
8 years ago
But I am there. How is that not distracting? Don't you want to be on me and making out when you're at work?
8 years ago
( smiles as he pulls her shirt back down. ) i know. but i have other things to do. like work. i can't always do you, tony. ( she chuckles. ) why. do you think about doing me at work~?
8 years ago
[Why, Pepper. Why would you use those words in particular. It actually makes him groan in some kind of frustration.]
8 years ago
Are you kidding? You're kidding right? When I'm not thinking about-- stuff I think about, I think about you.
8 years ago
( oops. ) look. ( she is going to slide down his body and sit up around his waist. ) let me help you vent your frustrations a little. ( she's trying to be good, but that doesn't mean he's got to be good. )
8 years ago
what do you say?
8 years ago
[Oh boy. He upset her, right? Er. Nope. The rapid blinking will stop in a moment. Promise.] I'm sorry, what?
8 years ago
( she sets a palm on his crotch and starts to rub. ) i know this can't be easy for you and while i may not b ready to take the plunge, so to speak, that doesn't mean we can't do other things.
8 years ago
[Oh. Shit. That makes him suck in a sharp breath, and his hand reaches out instantly to grab her wrist, the other moving to the side of the couch, gripping.] Pepper. You are not serious. Are you serious?
8 years ago
i am. ( she sets her hand on his wrist. ) let me make you feel good tony. i know this is probably killing you and i really appreciate your taking your time for me. ( she leaned down, since her hand was trapped
8 years ago
and pressed a kiss to his clothed dick. )
8 years ago
Ah. [It's a wordnot a sound. Honest. Okay, okay. He's letting your hand go there, because hands are one thing, mouths however] Pep-- You don't... have to.
8 years ago
[plurk I hate u]
8 years ago
[ lol ]
8 years ago
it's alright. i want to. ( she's not going to let him suffer along with her. well, ok, she's not suffering, but she knows he is. she nudges his hands back and undoes his pants, tugging the material back. )
8 years ago
[Oh. God. God. He'd died and gone to Pepper Heaven. A heavy sigh escapes him, mostly to try and relax as he leans against the couch.]
8 years ago
If you're sure... wait... are you saying I can't reciprocate? That's not fair.
8 years ago
i... i don't know. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, alright. ( it might not be bad to let him. it's not like they'd have sex. that's really what she was worried about. ) but for now, shh. ( she
8 years ago
wraps her fingers around the base of his dick and starts stroking him. )
8 years ago
[Something about bridges. Quiet. Oh, haha. That was going to blow up in her face. Wait, not that. That. The-- okay. Shut up.] Do I have to stay quiet?
8 years ago
no. i'd prefer you weren't, actually. ( she snickers and leans down to draw her tongue over him. ) i'd like to hear how loud you can be.
8 years ago
[There it is. His eyes widen as she bends low, and a sharp gasp escapes him as soon as tongue touches flesh.] Pepper--
8 years ago
( she smiles as soon as he says her name like that. so hot. so breathless. oh tony. she takes him into her mouth, stroking him a bit faster as her eyes close. )
8 years ago
[He had not prepared for this. Every other time this happened, it meant nothing but the fun of it, it's different now. It's Pepper anddamn.] Oh. Yeah, okay like that and... ah.
8 years ago
[Excuse him while he slides his fingers into your hair there Pepper. Gentle. Gentle.]
8 years ago
( she smiles from around him. she loves hearing him. it drives her to continue. it makes her suck harder and stroke faster. oh, how she can't wait for him to explode. he deserves nothing less for having put
8 years ago
up with her "crap" for the past couple of weeks. she knows that couldn't have been easy for him. )
8 years ago
[It has been... so long. How long, he daren't tell her - but he knows it's all for a good cause. Pepper is the best cause.
8 years ago
She's also pretty awesome at this, and it shows, in his heavy breaths, the shifting of his hips, the low groan, the grip he has on the couch.] Pepper. [He can't stop with her name.]
8 years ago
( and she doesn't doubt that he knows. it's tony. he lives for this sort of thing. but... she appreciates him living for her a bit more recently. its meant a lot. it's time for her to give back tho. literally.
8 years ago
and she doesn't mind. he deserves it and she loves seeing this side of him. she's missed it. she shivers, shutting her eyes as she feels herself grow a bit excited when he says her name, ) mmf.
8 years ago
[He shouldn't be so close already. His breath hitches as he fights back the feeling, another low groan of her name escaping him, and the shift of a hand against her cheek.] Oh, gods you're too good. Pep--
8 years ago
( best compliment. she smirks and works that much harder. she's def. not going to let up now. she moans around him, sending the reverberations along his dick as she takes him all the more deeper. )
8 years ago
[Oh shit. The moan has him doing the same, although it's far louder, and less cloaked by anything in his mouth.
8 years ago
It's when one of his thighs starts to shake from the effort of staying in control that he gives up with a mumble of her name, a strangled moan escaping him as he comes-- all too quick, too easily.]
8 years ago
( and pep has def. soaked through her panties. dammit. but, ah well, it was bound to happen. she runs her hands up his thighs to still them as best she can as he cums, her eyes closing as she swallows
8 years ago
what she can. sitting up, some of his cum spills down the corner of her mouth and she catches it with her tongue, smirking down at him as she rubs her thighs together. ) you taste nice, tony~.
8 years ago
[Speechless. He is well and truly speechless. He can't catch his breath, and he can't say a thing. Just stare. Stare, and breathe and think-- sort of. He didn't deserve this, surely?]
8 years ago
( dat smirk broadens. he is adorable. she runs a thumb over the corner of her mouth to catch a stray bit of cum as she laps it off her finger. ) mm. is something the matter... ( she leans over him, baring down
8 years ago
and ghosting her lips over his. ) do you want to go again?
8 years ago
[Tony barely manages to let out a long breath as Pepper leans down over him again, hands finding her hips and sliding up, under her shirt and over warm skin.] That was amazing.
8 years ago
( pep smiles, shivering as his hands roam up her sides. ) I try. ( a chuckle as she leaves him with a kiss. )
8 years ago
You succeeded. [Another breathless sigh, and he pulls her closer for another kiss, leaning back again rather suddenly in the middle of the next one.] I-- thought you hadn't done that before?
8 years ago
I haven't. But that doesn't mean I haven't read things. ( don't mind the blush creeping across her face )
8 years ago
[His eyebrow? Sky high.] Learn something new about you every day, Ms. Potts.
8 years ago
( she bites back a laugh. ) I have to impress you somehow.
8 years ago
Hey... [okay, that's not cool.] Pep, you already impress me.
8 years ago
I didn't mean it like that. ( she pouts and buries her face into his neck )
8 years ago
[What. A sigh, and he lets his hands move again, one behind her head, fingers thread into her hair as the other sweeps across her back.] What did you mean?
8 years ago
I know I don't have to impress you, but I want to be able to make you feel as good as you make me.
8 years ago
That's not saying much, really. We've done this once... I mean, not that I'm complaining. Just-- it's no fun if you don't really want to do it.
8 years ago
i never said that and i hadn't meant to make it seem like that, really. i enjoy the time we spend together. doing this, doing anything.
8 years ago
Well, good.
8 years ago
[His hands slips more firmly around her, so he can pull her down against his chest, tipping his head to brush his lips against her ear.] I'm happy, alright?
8 years ago
i am too. ( she falls atop him and lets out a grunt. oop. hadn't been expecting that. ) very happy. ( and he'll get another kiss. and another. and, well, how about a dozen more. )
8 years ago
Good. [he really means it too. He'd be happy to spend their time together like this, or more, or less. As long as it's with her. Since when did it feel like that??]
8 years ago
( she chuckles and snuggles really close. She's never felt like this with another before. It's such a nice feeling. she smiles. ) I'm so glad we met Tony.
8 years ago
[He feels the very same, but there's something about making his feelings known that he's struggling with. Instead of replying he sweeps his hands across her back again, brushing gently.]
8 years ago
( she shivers and let's put a little sound as she buries her face in his chest. her smile broadens. ) I'm sorry that sometimes I've been so hard on you.
8 years ago
[He shakes his head, reaching a hand back up into her hair again, gently rubbing his fingertips against her scalp - trying to soothe.] Sure I deserved it. Sometimes.
8 years ago
sometimes. ( a smile as she shuts her eyes and purrs. ah, that feels so good. she leans in and presses a chaste kiss to his lips. ) i only push you because i care. i want you to be the best you can be.
8 years ago
[He's careful about letting her up - but more than happy to be kissed for it, hand gentle about how he touches her hair, taking some strands in his fingers.] I know.
8 years ago
really like my hair. mm. ( she lifts a brow and reaches for his hand, taking it from her hair and presses several kisses along his knuckles. )
8 years ago
I like it. [He lets his hand go limp as she moves it, unable to help but grin as she presses kisses to his fingers. Okay, he can't move his hand - he's going to use the other to thread up into her hair.]
8 years ago
( don't mind her just sucking on his fingers. her eyes become lidded as she hums from around them )
8 years ago
[Oh. Okay, now he knows the power of that mouth, having his fingers in it is even less innocent than it had ever been, his own touch idles, distracted.] Do you just like teasing me?
8 years ago
( her expression darkens as she smiles up at him. yep, she does. )
8 years ago
[She's got the devil in her. Surely.] Well, you know you can stop now, right?
8 years ago
( she knows, but, guess what, she's not going to. )
8 years ago
Pepper. Come on. We're gonna end up with a problem here.
8 years ago
( and she does pop his fingers out of his mouth because she can't exactly talk with them in. ) maybe i dont see it as a problem.
8 years ago
[He's wriggling his fingers as soon as they're free, trying to pull them away-- but that stops pretty soon.] I'm pretty sure it's your turn here.
8 years ago
my turn. ( she quirks her head and lifts a brow. ) and what does that mean, mm?
8 years ago
[He likes turning on this smirk.] One good deed deserves another, don't you think?
8 years ago
( and she didn't expect him to return the favor but she should have figured he'd try. ) i... i suppose. you don't have to though.
8 years ago
You know I only do things if you want me to. You don't seem so sure, yourself.
8 years ago
no! that's not it. i just didn't think you'd want to. ( she's turning a few shades of red. ) are you... sure?
8 years ago
Pepper, Pepper, Pepper. [His lips quirk, and he slips his hands down her sides, fingers sliding along the top of her skirt.] I am incredibly sure. I think I live to please you.
8 years ago
( and that gets a very deep blush from her. she moves a hand to the back of his hand to draw him into a hard kiss )
8 years ago
[Cute. He barely manages a grunt before he's pulled in, moving into it fluidly despite the surprise - his hands are on the move, bunching her skirt up, fingers dragging up the back of her legs.]
8 years ago
( at least he doesn't get the chance to say that aloud. that def. would have made it worse. she smiles, breaking the kiss to pant. she stares at him, eyes becoming lidded as she spreads her legs a bit )
8 years ago
[She's very cute. She's a lot of things. A whole host of things, and he'd love to tell her, but right now he's distracted. Again.
8 years ago
As soon as his fingers slide over the bump of her ass they're catching her panties, pulling them down, and this won't be easy. They're going to have to move at some point, but for now it's fine.]
8 years ago
( she is going to help him remove her panties. she tugs them the rest of the way down and kicks them off, but she feels a bit shy as soon as there's nothing there... her face brightening as she closes her legs.
8 years ago
she rubs them together and turns onto her side, as if she's trying to hide. it's not like he hasn't seen her before, but, still, she feels the need to be shy. ) tony. ( she leans up and kisses him. it's more
8 years ago
of a distraction. for her. her body relaxing as she, once again, turns towards him and spreads herself. )
8 years ago
[He's still got hands down by her waist, fingers ghosting up and down the tops of her thighs, at least until she shifts - and he has to move with her to keep it up. She's nervous - he knows that.]
8 years ago
I'll be gentle. [It's said with a smirk because it could be taken so many ways - but he won't give her the chance to think on it too much, instead he's pushing away from the couch altogether,
8 years ago
hovering over her enough to ply her with a kiss and sink down to his knees on the floor, a hand idle up her skirt, waiting for her to move again.]
8 years ago
( and nervous is def. an understatement. she gives him a small smile as he gives her a kiss. it helps take her mind off of things, at least for a second. she returns it, trying to take another, but he's moving
8 years ago
and leaving her as he gets on his knees on the floor in front of her. her cheeks color as he keeps a hand beneath her skirt. she keeps still, for once, a chuckle leaving her lips as she chews on her lip. )
8 years ago
alright. ( a nod, because she trusts him. her breathing picks up as she reaches for his hand, setting her own atop it through her skirt. ) tony. ( you haven't even dont anything and youre already driving her
8 years ago
nuts )
8 years ago
[He's slow to look up at her as that hand covers his, almost unwilling to look just in case she wanted him to stop. He would - of course, but he'd much rather watch her writhing and moaning for him instead.]
8 years ago
8 years ago
( she doesn't want to him to stop, heavens no, so instead she removes her hand from his and takes a hand full of the couch. ) I'm fine. ( ha! )
8 years ago
[His lips quirk almost immediately, and he shifts her skirt higher, leaning in and turning his head to press a kiss to the inside of her knee, eyes fixed on hers as he starts working his way slowly higher.]
8 years ago
( and he has got to be going slow on purpose. she counts her breathes and watches him, making simpering sounds at the back of her throat as he can probably feel the heat radiating off of her the closer her gets
8 years ago
[His hands shift, gripping her by the hips, and tugging her in close, it means he loses sight of her face, but gains something else.
8 years ago
His head tips slightly, so he can slide his tongue against the side of her.]
8 years ago
( as soon as she loses sight of him she turns her head and buries it into the side of the couch. bites her lip
8 years ago
and sucks in a breath though her teeth as she stifles a moan. ) Tony, please, ...
8 years ago
Be patient. [The words, he breathes heavily against her, followed with a grin as he reaches one hand up to catch around her hip, slipped under her shirt to effectively pin her down.
8 years ago
Pressing a gentle kiss, he follows it with his tongue, hunting down her clit for starters. Make her see how good it will be, when he gets back to it.]
8 years ago
( and she is tempted to say that she's trying to be, but he's teasing her and there's only so much she can take. she bites her lips and expels a hot breath of her own when he breathes against her. a whine
8 years ago
follows as he pins her in places and searches for her clit with his tongue. she wriggles as best she can manage as she lifts her hips, trying to press against his mouth. ) mm, yes.
8 years ago
[He needs to close his eyes to stop himself responding to her moan, it does things to him that shouldn't happen so soon, but that was life, right?
8 years ago
He can't bring himself to care, too concerned with getting Pepper off instead. It's right there, and he pauses after a long slip of tongue against her, easy when she's as wet as she is.]
8 years ago
( she swallows. she can't believe this is happening. can't believe he's between her legs and... she pulls at the couch and tries not to buck her hips as he takes another long lap at the wet mess between
8 years ago
her legs. she simpers, trying to keep from moaning any louder, but its hard. it feels so good. ) toonyyy.
8 years ago
[He'll do everything in his power to have her disregarding the sound barrier. In fact, here.
8 years ago
Leaving her for a moment to lick a thumb, he gives her a look whilst he does it, and searches out her clit with his thumb, following the gesture with his tongue.]
8 years ago
( ...! as soon as he does that she couldn't give a single damn about keeping quiet. she throws her head back and moans, her body arching to his touch as she feels herself on the peak of orgasm. so close. so
8 years ago
damn close. she trembles, sinking back into the couch as she rolls her hips without a care. sorry tony, she's going to be pushing them against your face. )
8 years ago
[That's better. His grin against her skin might be a distraction, or it might just add to the experience. Either way he welcomes her moans, humming himself from the satisfaction it gives him.
8 years ago
He's relentless about it - flicking his tongue against her eagerly.]
8 years ago
( she starts to pant heavily. this is what she had wanted and now she's not sure she can hold out much longer. she tugs on the couch and groans his name as she tries to warn him before she cums, hard. ) tony!
8 years ago
[mn, it's too late, and he wouldn't pull away anyway. A low groan of his own escapes him as he feels her come, and although he draws his hand away, he stays where he is, lightly running his tongue over her.]
8 years ago
( she sinks back down against the couch and tries to catch her breath. ) Tony. ( drapes an arm over her eyes as he laps at her, effectively
8 years ago
cleaning her up. God that tongue feels so good. she reaches down and runs her fingers through his hair )
8 years ago
[Another hum, and only slows as her fingers slip into his hair and he leans away from her, peppering some kisses up the inside of her thigh until he can tip his head and rest it against her leg.] Pepper.
8 years ago
( her hand drops to the side as he moves and her chest rises and falls as she tries to catch her breath. She tilts her head and looks at him,
8 years ago
Giving him a lopsided smile. ) y- yeah?
8 years ago
[That has him grinning, but he presses a kiss to her thigh again, pulling her skirt down a little and moving so he can sit beside her, although it's more like lounging.] You said my name first. Shouted it.
8 years ago
( she is going to scoot over, so he's got some room to lounge. as soon as he says that though, she's tempted to give him a well deserved shove. turning red she averts her eyes. ) i... ( she can't remember,
8 years ago
tbh. a lot of that was a blur. her head was swimming. ) s- so?
8 years ago
[He's still grinning, smug. Of course. Carefully he slips his arm around her waist, fingers working their way under her shirt, brushing over her body, head tipped close.] So nothing. You're warm.
8 years ago
( of course he's grinning. she leans in and hides in the crook of his neck, a good thing too, because as his hand slips under her shirt she makes a
8 years ago
soft couple of sounds. she's still pretty sensitive after that. ) you are too. Feels nice having you so close.
8 years ago
Almost as if it's perfect, right? [He turns his head to kiss her gently, tipping it forward to press his forehead to hers, reaching up to brush a finger across her chin.]
8 years ago
( he almost leaves her breathless with that. she smiles back at him, humming her response. ) better than perfect.
8 years ago
There's better than perfect? [Have an arched eyebrow, and a grin.]
8 years ago
We're better than perfect. ( she winds and arm around him and holds him close as she shuts her eyes )
8 years ago
So that's what this is. [It's said just as softly. Sincere, actually. He's happy. Very happy.]
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