8 years ago
latest #23
8 years ago
please donate to and/or suggest chuunis in this plurk people can donate
8 years ago
since that's the one that really needs donations
8 years ago
touwa erio from denpa onna to seishun otoko and aion from show by rock come to mind
8 years ago
anghel shigure from hatoful boyfriend but I'll donate him
8 years ago
there's also kuroneko from oreimo, I know I know, oreimo, but every character counts
fat cat
8 years ago
i see anghel is in already, i'll donate kuroneko so you don't have to
8 years ago
i asked eon and dina and they saaaaid: yurika from aikatsu (chiibee really), rikka from chuunibyou, sakuma rei from ensemble stars, kido tsubomi from kagepro, aion from sb69, karma from assclass...
8 years ago
kuromori suzu from ensemble girls
8 years ago
uh.... fricky dick dick, i'll come back to this plurk later
8 years ago
im just surprised anyone from chuunibyou did not get donated lol
Chii ☆
8 years ago
ahahaha i didn't even think of yurika! 8D ty liz~
8 years ago
you're welcome!
no pasta
8 years ago
ChiiBee - do you want the idolized version of that yurika? i can screencap it if you do
Chii ☆
8 years ago
magentaskies: omg that would be wonderful! I haven't been playing photokatsu enough to idolize a lot of my members. ;;
no pasta
8 years ago
- and then i couldn't remember which idolized yurika it was, so here are both of the ones i have -
8 years ago
nope, you're right, AL! it was labeled incorrectly
8 years ago
all good suggestions y'all
8 years ago
also evening bump
8 years ago
also if I understood correctly, killua was donated as a chuuni which I don't think... he is? or am I missing something...
fat cat
8 years ago
also here and here are some pictures of erio that aren't in her deck if anyone wanted to donate her/Lita needed them to fill up the deck
8 years ago
i don't go to hunter x hunter, but i think killua has powers, right?
fat cat
8 years ago
yeah, he does and he also doesn't have other chuuni attributes, like wanting to be noticed
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