Doom Ferret
8 years ago
[Dragon Age] So, in between Internet outages, I finally got to 'Inquisition'! Thoughts...
latest #89
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
It's stunningly beautiful. Skin looks amazingly realistic. There is something off about the hair texturing, however, as it looks somehow artificial. But, yeah - visually amazing.
8 years ago
yeah the hair's really not up to snuff with the rest of the visuals
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
'Keep' screwed up some of the details of my play-throughs. Had to alter some of the tapestry stuff.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Last observation (as I am still relatively near the start of it): The cinematic interactions are definitely improved, but the game-play feels less focused.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Like, I had to read up some guides before understanding what you had to do to leave an area. DA 2 was a lot more focused, in terms of objectives and what was where.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
With that said, I like that not everything is an ambush. You can walk through landscapes and just come across random stuff going on.
8 years ago
It won't be long before you get the hang of it. It's just a different interface, and going straight from one to another is always disorienting.
8 years ago
8 years ago
I hate monster pockets
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Yep! Was also thinking something had gone wrong, because it wasn't clear it auto-levels attribute statistics now.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Also, doesn't allow you to strafe while firing - at least, as a mage.
8 years ago
It's just a mage thing.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
'Skyrim' influence is very clear. And I love that you can actually jump and navigate over tiny walls/rocks now, like in reality!
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
Yes, I enjoy Skyrim hopping
8 years ago
I like the more open maps, and I like that they kept the things I liked about 2 (improved battle choreography/animation, for one) but also brought back the things that were good about 1
8 years ago
like being able to sense enemies coming
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
The lack of long hair for female qunari was disappointing, but I decided for a human mage for the extra ability point. Qunari later...
8 years ago
you playing PC or console?
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
It's nice that you can see enemies in the distance, but they don't instantly decide to rush up to you. Like they're real people just doing their thing.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
Some mods will give you more hair options.
8 years ago
there IS a long hair option for qunari but their hair is tied back
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
In DA 2, you had all these area-based spells, but could hardly ever use them unless you were really quick on the pause button, straight off.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
One mod in particular that I liked for female qunari turns the mohawk around backwards so that she has bangs
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
The passive abilities in some of the spell blocks are unreal
8 years ago
like, I've found stacking enough in barrier mage stuff to get Dispel Magic for at least ONE mage (Solas most likely) is important because that can shut down tear-enemies from coming through
8 years ago
and if you aim them right you can neutralize really strong enemies before they become a problem that way
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
It's weird not being able to close doors for peace of mind... There are dozens of peoples' homes which people are returning to, now, going, "Who was in my wooden hut?!"
8 years ago
Ice + Lightning, especially because of their combined passive abilities, is a deadly combination
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I was blown away by how photo-realistic Varric looked. D:
8 years ago
8 years ago
the landscapes are beautiful too
8 years ago
like more than once I'll stop just to look around
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Even though everyone's been given a slight additional gloss to their skin, for some reason, which makes them look like they're sweating when they're complaining about being cold in snow...
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
for your archer bros like varric you want to climb down the right side of the skill tree. There's a passive ability on that side that increases their damage each time they fire.
8 years ago
and it really multiplies the amount they contribute to overall party damage.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I'm hoping the ability choices branch out more. There are only four of them, right now. The first and second games had... More diversity.
8 years ago
Additional skill trees open up later in the game
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
and current skill trees have more added to them if you have any of the expansions
8 years ago
like they're technically an equal number of them compared to previous games. You just don't get specializations until later
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Yes, got the 'Game Of The Year' version on a huge discount, with every DLC extra, ever.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I'm kinda' glad I did a huge play-through of the series before this, because I understand a lot more about the lore now, but, oyyy... It was a long while!
8 years ago
I haven't played ALL the expansions yet?
8 years ago
But I'm impressed with the ones I have.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Still fresh from fretting over what the hell to do about Anders' fate...
8 years ago
But yeesh, don't touch the Descent until you're at least Level 17 or 18.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I have heard good things about how expansive this one is, even without the expansions.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Shall try to remember!
8 years ago
it's so good, and so important, but the Darkspawn do not fuck around in this game
8 years ago
it will take you about as long to kill an ogre as it does to kill a High Dragon
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
They're worse?
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
there are a few places in the regular game where you'll run into patches of them on the surface
8 years ago
and they're challenging when you hit larger groups (especially ones with twohanded weapons)
8 years ago
but it's NOTHING like what you encounter in the Descent
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I was always disappointed I couldn't befriend/negotiate with dragons and was forced to kill them all. :c
8 years ago
Also, something to notice and appreciate
Jaq is
8 years ago
that the Darkspawn all have redesigns so the different species are that much more different from each other
8 years ago
like Genlocks are no longer just recolors of dwarves
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
but ogres are horrific
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
I noticed in the 'Legacy' expansion for DA 2 that they were doing that. Genlocks looked like huge gorrilla things.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
yeah, the genlocks:
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
My magical staff feels a bit weak, right now. I'm looking forward to having some proper power behind it. It's taking a lot of hits to just bring down a human.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
That'll increase based on the skills you take and the equipment you trade out for/how you modify it.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Darkspawn look like they'd inspire the kind of terror in people they should have in 'Origins'.
8 years ago
Always remember you can add things to your staff if you've got the right equipment. The Black Emporium comes in major handy
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Hopefully, yes!
8 years ago
and the stuff it offers as you advance gets better as you go through the game
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Oh, that thing's back? I loved the voice actor for Xenon in DA 2!
8 years ago
Yup, it's one of the first free locations that you get.
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
"Don't!!! Manhandle the urchin..."
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
8 years ago
there isn't a box of free junk like in DA2 tho
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
The free stuff was usually discardable, anyway...
8 years ago
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
Because of all the DLC, I have a set of armour rated for 90, but it's qunari-specific and looks a bit ridiculous. It feels awkward putting it on my human mage!
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
And this hilariously impractical-looking Orlesion helmet...
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
With that said, even the helmet would have probably looked more imposing on an actual qunari build.
8 years ago
For the mages I prefer the other armor
8 years ago
it looks better on humans
Doom Ferret
8 years ago
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