._. is this a decent ad for the marketplace and how would this be rated lol
latest #13
8 years ago
I could have sworn you asked this yesterday
ossiaxevion: I did but had absolutely no response so I thought I'd ask during the day when more people are around xD
8 years ago
I think it's a good ad, and good on you for blurring the nipnops out :-D
ossiaxevion: Do you think that'd keep it away from an adult rating or rate it adult just to be careful? :3
8 years ago
Yhea, tbh it should be fine, you could always put the name of the item over the nipnops
8 years ago
I normally don't make things like this to put on the marketplace xD so I feel silly but wanted to double check. Danke you two!
8 years ago
What inspired the sudden release of boob fixated clothes? heh
mirajai: These I had ready for a while and just decided to put up xD
shaedynlee: Danke :3 I'll try moderate
8 years ago
Ahh I see. heh they are well done full perm stuff or did you do it all yahself? :-D
mirajai: Full perm, not up to the skill level yet sadly
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