8 years ago
Anyone here a photographer in RL? Any suggestions on a good compact mirror less camera? Please and ty. :-D
latest #8
Harry Hyx 話す
8 years ago
I actually just bought myself a camera a few months ago. Tts the Sony a5100. I looked at a few including some of the fujifilm ones but they were quite pricey so i felt the a5100 was good bang for buck.
Harry Hyx 話す
8 years ago
Theres also the a6000 which is pretty much exactly the same in specs but has a viewfinder. It also is a tiny bit bigger and has a better grip and a turn dial settings.
Harry Hyx 話す
8 years ago
It does lack the 180 degree screen flip for selfies and touch screen focus
Harry Hyx 話す
8 years ago
Harry Hyx 話す
8 years ago
I'm super beginner photographer but looked around a bit and felt it was a decent camera
8 years ago
Yeah! I've heard great things about sonys cameras too. I was looking into a Fujifulm tx10 and even the Leica Q (too spendy).
8 years ago
I mainly use my Canon Dslr but I will be traveling soon and want to carry a compact lightweight camera that has same features as a Dslr.
8 years ago
Do you like the quality of the photos taken from the Sony?
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