8 years ago
My first night with a sleep tracker on and it already has told me some interesting and UNSURPRISING things.
latest #6
8 years ago
1st session of sleep 4 hours 11 min but I woke up super thirsty and hungry. 3 hours light sleep. 1 hour 15 minutes restful sleep. second session, once I was FINALLY able to fall back to sleep was about 5 hours
8 years ago
17 minutes of awake time, 3h33m or light sleep and 1h25min restful sleep. Sigh.
8 years ago
I hope you can focus on the positive. Nine hours of sleep, whether light or deep, sounds petty good to me!
8 years ago
That was all total, unfortunately, but It's a good start just to get more info. :-D
8 years ago
My goal is to try to avoid taking naps on my days off work so that I'm more tired when I get to bed.
8 years ago
There are some interesting new studies that indicate that people without electric light (cell phones, computers....) sleep in two shifts with an hour or two in the middle.
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