Colors TCG] - Mecha Pilots = Characters who fly or pilot mechas
Colors TCG] - Mecha - Characters from Mecha series (aka mainly pilots).
Why couldn't the mecha deck be.. actual Mecha? Like a Gundam or something...
It bothered me when Mecha was being made. I never knew who to talk or ask this to though orz
that is... a very good question
replacing mecha with actually mecha would be a nice deck but yeah it feels like the two are the same
I think when we did these decks we would only accept 'characters'
as the mechs were not actual 'characters'
I'm not really into colors anymore so i could be wrong. but that's probably what happened.
Thats what I thought. Though A lot of series give hints that the Mechas have there own... souls or thoughts sometimes. But yeah, I was thinking its probably cause Mechas are... mechas
//which is sad, because like ;v; i'd really love to donate some zoids or something.
see like that be an example. Didnt the zoid's kind of have a mind of their own? I could be wrong, this was a thing from like me being 5. (I swore they moved or roared on their own...)
tbh idk why it would matter, mechs are canon artifacts so they should qualify

it would be nice to have a mech deck
not that i'm into mecha but i know others would be
I think it would be nice: Get your Gundam, Your Evas, Your Metal Gears, Your Star Drivers, Your Zoids, ect. so many lol
because back then scrapbook themes didn't have to be discussed with me beforehand. after that, i made that rule so it won't happen again
technically, the first one is for pilots only and the second could feature any character from a mecha series but yeah, it does overlap
i'd actually love a mecha scrapbook featuring actual robots and was talking about it with raven not so long ago. i almost went for it this month, but decided to pick themes from the suggestion post instead
(i told him to suggest actual robots so i or another deckmaker could pick that theme. he forgot, i'll remind him. or just make a mental note to run that theme next time)
though there is a Robots deck

But yeah, I would love to see that. I should have thought about that during reccomendations lol
yeah, but robots is for characters who are robots, which is usually not the case for mecha. there could be one named mechas or giant robots.
mechas is more accurate but sounds like an existing deckname, giant robots is less formal but fits
i'm more in favor of mechas myself, actually!
tbh you can always vote to change the name for Mechas. That deck name sounds VERY misleading sldkfjsdaf. but There is no prob have deck names simualr such as mecha and mechas