Roderich is
8 years ago
still worn out due to the exhausting ball season. And work, of course.
latest #49
8 years ago
highly doubts that work has really exhausted the Austrian. Bl
8 years ago
does not, at the very least, put up unnecessary, redundant, troublesome task upon himself and others. B|
Ludwig feels
8 years ago
that in the spirit of the EU they are far from redundant or unnecessary but perhaps troublesome is not a bad word to use in this case.
Roderich thinks
8 years ago
that individual nationality within continental unity is permissible and, in fact, should be encouraged when single solution is impossible to implement under drastically different regional circumstances. Bl
8 years ago
shouldn't need to remind Roderich that upon joining the Union means finding all-encompassing directives and regulations that transcend individual nationality.
Roderich is
8 years ago
/always/ reminded of that when he attends UN meetings. It has always been productive and effective.
Ludwig thinks
8 years ago
that if he's still arguing about individual nationality he should probably be reminded more often. B;
8 years ago
8 years ago
won't exclude his personal support for Bavarian independence. Why not. Let's be reminded of regionalism within EU more often. Bl
Ludwig thinks
8 years ago
that Roderich is severely missing the point....
Roderich thinks
8 years ago
that is okay. He will simply implement his quota and his dear neighbour, Theo, would understand and follow his action anyway.
Ludwig has
8 years ago
no problem with that since his Lander had their own state powers that they are allowed to exert.
Roderich is
8 years ago
piqued. "Even if such powers severely disrupts the implementation of federal interest?"
8 years ago
hums. "There is a division of power between my states and the federal government. They are allowed to make 'international' agreements with countries at their border if it affects their interest."
8 years ago
snorts."I've seen him flying from China to the UAE pompously to sign trade agreements, setting up new embassy in Prague, but to be involved politically with Hungary and Russia is quite an advanced development."
8 years ago
sighs. "He also has an embassy in Brussels. At this rate he's very low on my list of things that are important to get done."
8 years ago
follows. "It would relieve me greatly if you affirm that I am very low on your list of to-do things as well."
8 years ago
snorts. "Hardly, we're still dealing with the migrant crisis and a good portion of them are still coming from you. I would say you're middle on that list."
8 years ago
blinks and replies somewhat melodramatically. "Since Theodor has already thanked me for keeping your portion of migrants small and manageable, I'd say you owe your major supplier some gratitude as well, right?"
8 years ago
"Or would you prefer fresher supply coming from, hypothetically, through the Czech border into the Saxon state? Or do you prefer airlifting?"
8 years ago
's lips thin. "Ja, small and manageable..." There were so many internal problems with this entire crisis and now with the possible Brexit...Greece becoming overwhelmed with more refugees...he had a constant -
8 years ago
headache. "Let me remind you that this affects you too. That money is being pulled from the EU budget as well....which is a budget you are needed to contribute to. I don't imagine you want that money being
8 years ago
focused on only the crisis."
8 years ago
shrugs. "Right, and the solution is simple - set a cap, decide on a quota! Humanitarian action, even if driven by guilt, only piles debt higher. I completely understand if Heracles despise my approach-
8 years ago
-but you, Ludwig, it seems to me that you multitask without crystal clear priorities and you confuse yourself at what you want."
8 years ago
sets down his pile of folders he'd been carrying around. "I know exactly what I would do in this situation. It's unfortunate that I don't make any of these decisions. I would love to have a stricter policy but
8 years ago
if it's not something the Bundestag wants then I have to work with what I'm given..."
8 years ago
sighs. "Sooner or later you will have to convince magnanimous philanthropists that selflessness is also a form of selfishness that will bring down others in misery."
8 years ago
's shoulders sag. "I'm quite tired Roderich...and I completely agree with you. At times it almost feels like the Union is having a hard time staying together because of this...."
8 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Tell me about it. I am sick of being criticised by both east and west about the my border policy. All this unnecessary attention from media - I prefer to be on the news differently."
8 years ago
pinches the bridge of his nose. "There's no winning here....We've let it go on to long without firmer actions."
8 years ago
"Right, this crisis is not new. Years ago we complain about Italians not controlling the illegal immigrants from North Africa through the waters.
8 years ago
Unless the frontiers of EU are secure, there is little trust in Schengen. Centuries have passed, and Poland is resurrected many times, yet we continue to reenact 1683 with Polish fighters in the front line."
8 years ago
quirks a brow at Roderich. "We still complain about the Spanish and Italians and their lack of control with illegal immigrants coming in from North Africa...this is the issue Roderich. There are many
8 years ago
member-states who don't put enough care about those frontiers because they know those illegal immigrants are just going to move up to the north. Gott...this entire Union gives me a headache more than I care to
8 years ago
admit but I don't want to see it for Poland...don't get me started with their dictatorial government." Bl
8 years ago
squints. "Ludwig- upon hearing your insistence upon stricter control, I am unsure whether should I rejoice because our personal opinion are along the same line-
8 years ago
-or should I worry more about your possibly strained relationship with your chancellor......"
8 years ago
's lips curve downwards into a frown. "I understand where she's coming from...but at the same time I can also see how much of a strain this will be in the long run....the short run is even posing problems..."
Roderich feels
8 years ago
that there is nothing anyone in this world other than Frau Merkel herself could change the situation anymore. He glances over and offers a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "...Just pray for the best."
8 years ago
isn't reassured by those words even a little bit. "Ja...because that has ever helped."
8 years ago
lets out a soft chuckle, as he is not surprised by Ludwig's reply at all. "And because nothing else has helped, too." Other reassurance would seem even less constructive under such circumstance.
8 years ago
hums. "Comprehensive strategies and better policies would help..." He's picking up his pile of folders...reluctantly.
8 years ago
sighs. "But that tends to take years...which isn't very helpful at the moment. To much fighting over words and commas..."
8 years ago
thought Ludwig has spent more time living as an autocracy than a functional democracy to say things like that. "...So do final approvals too."
8 years ago
reflect on himself and maybe that's why his reluctance to get things done due to complicated procedures has given him a less hardworking public image.
Ludwig thinks
8 years ago
that most other countries find central European countries not as hard working as others. Although, Austria did have a horrible tendency to close everything early...even in Vienna.
Roderich thinks
8 years ago
it is precisely because everything closes early that he is available for people who need to take retreats from their work or... simply bring their work over here to work on in Vienna. There's no vacation alone.
8 years ago
can't really say to much about closing hours....he's not better in the smaller towns and some bigger cities. However, places like Berlin have stores and necessities open for much longer.
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