no more salsa
8 years ago
AU planning, partly because I can't words to draw up a proper planning comment, and partly so I can ramble to myself readily!
latest #75
no more salsa
8 years ago
I am locking in an Eevee ♀ with Adaptability, and a Taillow ♀ with Guts. Those are going to be starters. Now they just need nicknames, because it's Pokémon and it's cute.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Bitty!Yui isn't going to change much at all from canon, which makes the job easy
no more salsa
8 years ago
But as a little older girl, things will be a little different, mostly because she exists in much less of a vacuum. The other princesses exist, for one thing, but in as small of a community as Union,
no more salsa
8 years ago
I kind of anticipate she'll end up interacting with more people simply because she can't really not interact with people.
no more salsa
8 years ago
I say "small", but it's more like, there's too much going on for her to fade into the background.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Um, what else...
8 years ago
she will let kanade spoil her all the time /WIGGLES FINGERS
no more salsa
8 years ago
No? I'm consulting Bulbapedia while I do this.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Taillow only has Guts in Gen VI; I'm reading Adaptability as a normal Ability in Gen VI?
no more salsa
8 years ago
I'm seeing Anticipation as its Hidden Ability this generation.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Eh. If I'm wrong, I'll fix it later.
no more salsa
8 years ago
sweaters: Give her a few attempt to not eep at her and run away instead. Or just wait for her to be too worn-out to protest, sob.
8 years ago
kanade will lay in wait and ambush at the right moment
8 years ago
with friendship
no more salsa
8 years ago
Better to have someone looking out for me, at least. I'm really bad about remembering Pokémon stuff if I'm not already sitting in front of it.
no more salsa
8 years ago
......Be strong, Yui. It'll get better. Probably.
no more salsa
8 years ago
That, or she'll absently sketch a wanted poster with Kanade on it before realizing what she's doing one day.
8 years ago
someone who likes being fed for free on the regular, probably
8 years ago
you just have to compliment her! it's easy!
8 years ago
8 years ago
wow who're you callin too floofy
8 years ago
I need to bug you guys when I'm back from doing my civic duty
no more salsa
8 years ago
Hey! There's value in floof! It's fun to draw, and creates soft lines, and...
8 years ago
I mean the Princess Cures have probably THE MOST floofy hair
8 years ago
i was gonna say, HARUKA BILLOWS WAY MORE
8 years ago
kanade is just. a sea of ruffles
8 years ago
All of them do
8 years ago
and kudelia-tier hair
8 years ago
or i guess kudelia has rhythm-tier hair
8 years ago
are furfrou on the map...
8 years ago
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Can confirm. Too much floof and ruffles on a Kanade
8 years ago
who asked you X-(
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Nobody needs to ask me
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Ryuko swallows the Hibiki whole
Lord Nick
8 years ago
At any rate, even if a Pokemon isn't on the map or starter list you can still request it.
8 years ago
8 years ago
of all the ways i expected that to go
no more salsa
8 years ago
Let's see... I want a way to draw more attention to her art, so I'm wondering what is flavorful to use there.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Probably will give her some Charcoal for drawing, and from there she can acquire more normal stuff as time goes on.
no more salsa
8 years ago
...Maybe I'll figure out what makes dyes for paints, or that sort of thing.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Not that I've seen, Raz.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Yeah, except mechanically, Smeargle is weird, on all levels.
no more salsa
8 years ago
So while it's sensible for story, I'm not sure how it'd work in play.
no more salsa
8 years ago
That, and I think I'm going to focus her team on cute, rather than on art.
no more salsa
8 years ago
....../flails while trying to make words happen
no more salsa
8 years ago
I'll probably have her come across one later, though. It does fit her.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Let's see... I don't think she's going to start with a particular affinity for any given job, though she'll end up helping the Rangers a little.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Whenever they need to plot a mystery dungeon new discovery, an artist might be able to help keep maps easy to understand.
no more salsa
8 years ago
Still, the itch to discover new places and explore (and draw) new things is going to come calling soonish.
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Makes sense. Plenty of stuff to draw out there in the world
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Maybe I'll start Kirara with a Dratini then
no more salsa
8 years ago
.......what if fairytale nicknames, though. Or worse, art terms.
Lord Nick
8 years ago
Artist names
no more salsa
8 years ago
Or that, even.
no more salsa
8 years ago
/dives headfirst into Wikipedia
no more salsa
8 years ago
I also forgot to give Yui her diary back! That's probably important. /edits into app
no more salsa
8 years ago
Because when she's inevitably drawn someone and they find the diary, it'll be a good time. /cough
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