9 years ago
I should be on later tonight and really kick my replies in gear.
latest #9
9 years ago
Woo! Sigma and Church down. Now if only I can finish the others before someone else replies to me lol.
colorful bunch
9 years ago
colorful bunch
9 years ago
colorful bunch
9 years ago
9 years ago
haha I didn't even through one more before I got an email saying I got Church's reply :-P
colorful bunch
9 years ago
it took me a moment of going 'who the hell is that' before seeing what comm it was on and OH WYOMING
colorful bunch
9 years ago
everyone is always free to ignore church. god knows I wish I could.
Le Tits Now
9 years ago
9 years ago
It's okay I think I need to make a directory to keep everyone's plurk names and nicknames straight with their character/s
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