jack valentine wonders
8 years ago
why doesn't events have like a security orb that kicks people after say 1 hour? i am so done with people parking at full events. fuck it.
latest #9
8 years ago
like parking in Los Angeles
jack valentine
8 years ago
i never been but if it's anything like stockholm, i agree
8 years ago
the busy areas, street parking typically has a limit of 1-3 hours
8 years ago
Butbutbut what for people who wanna play the same gacha for like 4 hours? :-P
8 years ago
what about.
8 years ago
or must. must ... play ... :-P
Auryn Beorn
8 years ago
What about people with slow connections.
jack valentine
8 years ago
1h was just a suggestion, but if you park your avi there over night or while running around doing chores its just rude so yeah 1-3h i think most people can get their shopping done in no?
jack valentine
8 years ago
plus if people can't park there i'm sure its easier to get back in if say you were ejected and wanted to buy something more
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