9 years ago
I really like that if you don't get accepted you are told exactly what needs to be fixed. But fingers crossed anyway.
latest #7
9 years ago
Well, we're just accepting anyone at this point. It's open. But if you want, I can give you comments on the app anyway.
9 years ago
I would actually really love that. First time rper so I'm hoping I can pick it up easy enough.
9 years ago
I'll look it over with more detail later. But I welcome you and would like to ask one question... Can Florida be Wyoming's friend oh pleaaaaase?
9 years ago
Of course! And don't worry about when to look at it. I'm going to heading to bed soon anyway.
9 years ago
YAY! Florida needs to talk to you SOO Much, Wyoming. About ALL the things. Total gossip
9 years ago
Of course, maybe over some tea. We can even make it Irish if the gossip is really good. lol I can't wait :-)
9 years ago
Oh, Florida will happily provide tea and salt water taffy and joy because he's so happy because ALL the things
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