9 years ago
After I've already accepted I wasn't doing Locus I come up with a heart breaking AU that he was in and would shape his personality in a way to be very interesting in the new world he's dropped in. Whoops.
latest #10
9 years ago
Maybe I will make an indie of him later down the line
9 years ago
AUs are fun to play with, but I would personally start with a canon character when starting out in RP land
9 years ago
That's just me
9 years ago
Makes sense I wouldn't want to bite off more than I can handle lol
9 years ago
Yeah, that too
Glitch Bit
9 years ago
Who's your favourite character? And if you write, who do you like writing?
9 years ago
I've actually never written rvb yet so maybe thats why im having trouble
9 years ago
And of course since I love all the characters that doesn't help.
Glitch Bit
9 years ago
No worries. There are a lot of lovable dorks in there :-)
9 years ago
It's good though, I think I've found a groove for Wyoming. Even came up with a username and everything. Just writing up a sample know to see if it will work.
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